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  Showing 1-30 of 22077 Show Next 30 Entries »
ID# Date Last Modified Package Type Status PHP Version OS Summary Assigned
2012-06-22 10:04 UTC 2012-06-23 06:39 UTC Reflection related Bug Not a bug 5.4.4 Windows 7 Prof. __callStatic from a derived class object context calls __call instead  
2012-06-22 04:11 UTC 2012-06-22 08:23 UTC Unknown/Other Function Bug Not a bug 5.3Git-2012-06-22 (Git) windows format('W')  
2012-06-22 02:58 UTC 2012-06-25 17:31 UTC MySQL related Bug Not a bug 5.4.4 Linux-3.2.21 Debian/Wheezy localhost x  
2012-06-21 23:41 UTC 2012-06-22 00:33 UTC Math related Bug Not a bug 5.4.4   intval gives wrong result with float value  
1999-06-21 18:58 UTC 2002-06-16 08:32 UTC Reproducible Crash Bug Not a bug 3.0.9 Solaris 2.5.1 Arrays of arrays breaking the parser  
1999-11-12 12:16 UTC 2002-06-16 09:01 UTC Reproducible Crash Bug Not a bug 3.0 Latest CVS (12/11/1999) SunOS wwwx 5.7 Generic_106541-07 phpinfo() cores  
1998-12-29 09:58 UTC 2002-06-16 08:28 UTC Sybase (dblib) related Bug Not a bug 3.0.6 Linux Crash in SQLServer Image Column Conversion  
1999-01-18 22:47 UTC 2002-06-16 08:28 UTC Misbehaving function Bug Not a bug 3.0.6 Linux 2.0.36 pg_loclose never finds pgsql->lofd  
1999-02-13 18:06 UTC 2007-10-06 02:30 UTC Compile Failure Bug Not a bug 3.0.6 Solaris 7 (sparc) cannot compile with --with-ldap using the Solaris7 bundled ldap-libs/header  
1999-02-17 23:49 UTC 2002-06-16 08:28 UTC Reproducible Crash Bug Not a bug 3.0 Latest CVS (17/02/1999) Linux 2.2.1/RedHat 5.1 Output in shutdown function dumps core.  
1999-02-22 07:41 UTC 2002-06-16 08:28 UTC Reproducible Crash Bug Not a bug 3.0.6 Solaris 2.6 pg_fetch_array($res,0) crashing Apache when query empty  
1999-02-22 12:27 UTC 2002-06-16 08:28 UTC Reproducible Crash Bug Not a bug 3.0.6 hppa1.1-hp-hpux10.20 Segmentation Fault with mysql  
1999-02-26 08:08 UTC 2002-06-16 08:28 UTC Dynamic loading Bug Not a bug 3.0.6 FreeBSD 2.2.6 Configuration not work  
1999-03-21 15:45 UTC 2002-06-16 08:29 UTC Other Bug Not a bug 3.0.6 NT 4.0 build 1381 (SP 3, multi-p Incorrect datetime representation in php3_mssql  
1999-04-05 01:35 UTC 2002-06-16 08:29 UTC Misbehaving function Bug Not a bug 3.0.7 linux--Redhat 5.2 system, exec, and passtru always returns -1  
1999-04-07 12:08 UTC 2002-06-16 08:30 UTC MySQL related Bug Not a bug 3.0.7 Linux mysql_fetch_row() returns false for row of NULLs  
1999-04-16 13:27 UTC 2002-06-16 08:30 UTC Misbehaving function Bug Not a bug 3.0.6 Windows NT 4.0 No Return Value from snmpget  
1999-04-20 13:42 UTC 2002-06-16 08:30 UTC Other Bug Not a bug 3.0.7 FreeBSD and WinNT nested objects having a "new xmlparser" in the constructor does not work  
1999-04-23 04:02 UTC 2002-06-16 08:30 UTC Other Bug Not a bug 3.0.7 Solaris 2.7 ifx_fetch_row problem  
1999-04-26 14:20 UTC 2002-06-16 08:30 UTC Reproducible Crash Bug Not a bug 3.0.7 Solaris 2.6 Informix SQLLVARCHAR Crashes Netscape 3.5.1  
1999-05-05 16:37 UTC 2002-06-16 08:30 UTC Reproducible Crash Bug Not a bug 3.0.6 Win 98 (PWS 3) Malfunction of header-function under Win98 & PWS 3  
1999-05-07 11:03 UTC 2002-06-16 08:30 UTC Installation problem Bug Not a bug 3.0.7 Linux 2.0.38 IMAP and SNMP problem  
1999-05-20 10:51 UTC 2002-06-16 08:31 UTC Misbehaving function Bug Not a bug 3.0.6 FreeBSD Regular expression with international locale.  
1999-05-27 06:09 UTC 2002-06-16 08:31 UTC Other Bug Not a bug 3.0.8 RedHat 5.2 Startup problem with Netscape LDAP SDK 3.0/3.1  
1999-05-27 11:14 UTC 2002-06-16 08:31 UTC Compile Failure Bug Not a bug 3.0.7 Solaris won't compile with Stronghold 2.2 or 2.3  
1999-05-31 12:12 UTC 2002-06-16 08:31 UTC PostgreSQL related Bug Not a bug 3.0.7 OSF-1 4.0 "Dcoument contains no data" returns when using database access  
1999-09-06 01:20 UTC 2002-06-16 08:40 UTC Reproducible Crash Bug Not a bug 3.0 Latest CVS (06/09/1999) RH5.2 Linux 2.0.36 Segfault when a PHP file virtual()s another  
1999-06-08 08:51 UTC 2002-06-16 08:32 UTC Reproducible Crash Bug Not a bug 3.0.7 Redhat 5.2/5.0 Glibc 2.0.7-29 Seg Fault in mySqldatabase connection Mod_Perl1.19/PHP3.0.7/Apache1.3.6  
1999-06-14 21:32 UTC 2002-06-16 08:32 UTC Reproducible Crash Bug Not a bug 3.0.9 Solaris X86 2.7 SIGSEGV on php shutdown with uodbc  
1999-06-22 18:10 UTC 2002-06-16 08:32 UTC Dynamic loading Bug Not a bug 3.0.6 Windows 95 In the compiled Win32 package, the php3_ldap doesn't load.  
  Showing 1-30 of 22077 Show Next 30 Entries »
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Last updated: Sat Sep 21 00:01:27 2024 UTC