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Bugs for *Encryption and hash functions
ID# Date Last Modified Type Status PHP Version OS Summary Assigned
2001-08-14 19:40 UTC 2001-08-18 21:54 UTC Bug Not a bug 4.0.6 Linux Slackware 7.1 problem with the randomic generation of salt when a use crypt("pass")  
2002-02-27 19:53 UTC 2002-02-28 10:00 UTC Bug Not a bug 4.1.1 linux php-4.0 crypt("abc") != php-4.1 crypt("abc")  
2002-09-18 20:11 UTC 2002-09-19 01:57 UTC Bug Not a bug 4.2.3 windows 2000 crypt return weird output  
2002-10-04 19:21 UTC 2002-10-06 17:55 UTC Bug Not a bug 4.2.3 Redhat 7.3, kernel 2.4.19 crypt() only generates DES results, not md5, when compiled --with-apxs2  
2003-01-08 11:36 UTC 2003-01-09 06:40 UTC Bug Not a bug 4.3.0 Windows 2000 Server php-4.3-mcrypt doens't load under Windows  
2003-04-28 12:13 UTC 2003-04-28 16:53 UTC Bug Not a bug 4.3.1 Windows and Unix 2 Crypt() with different 'salt' - matched!  
2003-08-21 03:59 UTC 2003-08-21 04:45 UTC Bug Not a bug 4CVS-2003-08-21 (stable) redhat 9.0 linux File upload problem  
2003-08-20 08:22 UTC 2003-08-26 01:56 UTC Bug Not a bug 4.3.2 Linux Sha1 doesnt work correct with data greater then 2kB  
2004-11-20 05:38 UTC 2004-11-20 13:53 UTC Bug Not a bug 4.3.9 Windows Server 2003 Encrypted image issue.  
2005-03-23 18:59 UTC 2005-03-23 19:10 UTC Bug Not a bug 4.3.10 Linux, Darwin crc32() sometimes gives different values than other CRC32 engines  
2006-05-06 00:19 UTC 2006-05-06 20:27 UTC Bug Not a bug 5.1.4 Mac OS X 10.4.6 base64_encode/decode bug  
2006-07-19 21:25 UTC 2006-07-19 22:29 UTC Bug Not a bug 4.4.2 linux server major problem with crypt()  
2006-08-30 01:13 UTC 2006-08-30 06:42 UTC Bug Not a bug 5.1.5 linux crypt function problem  
2007-04-26 13:46 UTC 2007-04-26 15:04 UTC Bug Not a bug 5.2.1 Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition crypt function returns different hashes in PHP4/PHP5  
2008-07-13 23:07 UTC 2008-07-13 23:16 UTC Bug Not a bug 5.2.6 ubuntu aes_decrypt will not work in my php page  
2008-07-29 13:09 UTC 2008-07-30 14:44 UTC Bug Not a bug 5.2.6 ubuntu 8.04 result of crypt() without salt is always empty pajoye
2009-11-05 18:54 UTC 2009-11-05 19:16 UTC Bug Not a bug 5.3.0 Windows & Linux Crypt function with distinct behavior in servers  
2009-12-09 13:12 UTC 2009-12-09 13:30 UTC Bug Not a bug 5.2.11 linux centos crypt function not available  
2010-10-05 06:24 UTC 2010-10-13 12:44 UTC Bug Not a bug 5.3SVN-2010-10-05 (snap) WIN32 the mcrypt_encrypt and mcrypt_decrypt functions are not accurate working.  
2011-08-22 12:47 UTC 2011-08-22 13:29 UTC Bug Not a bug 5.3.7 Linux crypt() returns inconsistent hashes for non-ASCII characters  
2011-10-16 20:52 UTC 2012-03-05 20:11 UTC Bug Not a bug 5.3.8 Windows 32Bit (Windows XP) crypt() creates different output in 5.2.17 and 5.3.8 joey
2012-02-15 20:06 UTC 2012-02-16 19:08 UTC Bug Not a bug 5.3.10 RedHat Linux crypt() hangs when using Blowfish salt with SHA512 hash  
2013-02-06 11:10 UTC 2013-02-06 21:40 UTC Bug Not a bug Irrelevant Windows 7 Extra characters added to base64_decode() output  
2013-02-21 18:19 UTC 2013-02-21 19:20 UTC Bug Not a bug 5.4.11 Ubuntu 12.04 kernel 3.2.0 crypt() outputting *0 for unknown reason  
2013-03-11 17:23 UTC 2013-03-13 03:56 UTC Bug Not a bug 5.4.12 Windows Second parameter of md5 & sha1 replace header content-type  
2014-11-27 17:34 UTC 2014-11-27 23:01 UTC Bug Not a bug 5.6.3 Linux Error: 1-charater in salt on crypt()  
2015-09-07 09:21 UTC 2015-09-07 09:47 UTC Bug Not a bug 5.5.29 Windows 7 Enterprise - 64bit Produces same cipher for different string with same salt  
2016-05-05 18:48 UTC 2016-05-06 03:31 UTC Bug Not a bug Irrelevant Ubuntu,Centos SHA1 generate duplicated values  
2018-03-05 14:27 UTC 2018-03-05 14:53 UTC Bug Not a bug 7.2.3 Windows Srv 2012 libsodium seems not active in PHP 7.2.3  
2018-12-23 04:58 UTC 2018-12-23 05:16 UTC Bug Not a bug 7.3.0 macOS SODIUM_CRYPTO_AEAD_CHACHA20POLY1305_NPUBBYTES returns wrong value.  
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