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Bug #991 Error[1] when compiling apache 1.3.3 with PHP3 support on PHP3 module
Submitted: 1998-12-15 22:24 UTC Modified: 1998-12-19 11:50 UTC
From: geoff at uts dot edu dot au Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: Installation problem
PHP Version: 3.0.5 OS: RedHat Linux 5.2
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [1998-12-15 22:24 UTC] geoff at uts dot edu dot au
Dear Support,

I followed the instruction to compile Apache with PHP3 support. PHP3 compiled and installed with no problems, but when coming to compile the httpd binary I get the following error. Below that is the list of files that the PHP3 install placed in the /apache_1.3.3/src/modules/php3 directory, and below that, the contents of the Makefile.tmpl autocreated file. If you need anymore information regards this please don't hesitate to get in touch. Thanks in advance for you time,


===> modules/php3
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `all'.  Stop.
make: *** [all] Error 1
[root@dispatch modules]#

[root@dispatch php3]# ls
Makefile.libdir  libmodphp3-so.a  libphp3.module   mod_php3.h
Makefile.tmpl    libphp3.a        mod_php3.c       php_version.h

##  Apache 1.3 Makefile template for PHP3 Module
##  [src/modules/php3/Makefile.tmpl]

#   the parametrized target

#   objects for building the static library

#   objects for building the shared object library

#   the general targets
all: liblibphp3.a: $(OBJS) $(OBJS_LIB)
        cp $(OBJS_LIB) $@
        ar r $@ $(OBJS)
        $(RANLIB) $@

#   ugly hack to support older Apache-1.3 betas that don't set $LIBEXT
libphp3.: $(OBJS) $(OBJS_LIB)
        cp $(OBJS_LIB) $@
        ar r $@ $(OBJS)
        $(RANLIB) $@
        cp libphp3. libphp3.a

#   build the shared object library by linking the object files $(SHLIB_OBJS) $(SHLIB_OBJS_LIB)
        rm -f $@

# 1. extension .o for shared objects cannot be used here because
#    first these files aren't still shared objects and second we
#    have to use a different name to trigger the different
#    implicit Make rule
# 2. extension -so.o (as used elsewhere) cannot be used because
# 2. extension -so.o (as used elsewhere) cannot be used because
#    the suffix feature of Make really wants just .x, so we use
#    extension .so-o
.SUFFIXES: .o .so-o
        $(CC) -c $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) $(SPACER) $<
        $(CC) -c $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_SHLIB) $(SPACER) $< && mv $*.o $

#   cleanup
        -rm -f $(OBJS) $(SHLIB_OBJS) $(LIB)

# We really don't expect end users to use this rule.  It works only with
# gcc, and rebuilds Makefile.tmpl.  You have to re-run Configure after
# using it.
        cp Makefile.tmpl Makefile.tmpl.bak \
            && sed -ne '1,/^# DO NOT REMOVE/p' Makefile.tmpl > \
            && gcc -MM $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) *.c >> \
            && sed -e '1,$$s: $(INCDIR)/: $$(INCDIR)/:g' \
                > Makefile.tmpl \

# We really don't expect end users to use this rule.  It works only with
# gcc, and rebuilds Makefile.tmpl.  You have to re-run Configure after
# using it.
        cp Makefile.tmpl Makefile.tmpl.bak \
            && sed -ne '1,/^# DO NOT REMOVE/p' Makefile.tmpl > \
            && gcc -MM $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) *.c >> \
            && sed -e '1,$$s: $(INCDIR)/: $$(INCDIR)/:g' \
                > Makefile.tmpl \
            && rm


$(OBJS): Makefile

mod_php3.o: mod_php3.c $(INCDIR)/httpd.h $(INCDIR)/conf.h \
 $(INCDIR)/alloc.h $(INCDIR)/buff.h \
 $(INCDIR)/http_config.h \
 $(INCDIR)/http_core.h $(INCDIR)/http_main.h \
 $(INCDIR)/http_protocol.h $(INCDIR)/http_request.h \
 $(INCDIR)/http_log.h $(INCDIR)/util_script.h mod_php3.h

lib: $(LIB)

#   build the static library by merging the object files
libphp3.a: $(OBJS) $(OBJS_LIB)


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 [1998-12-19 11:50 UTC] rasmus
I don't see a bug here.  The files all contain what they are supposed to and the contents of the directory looks right.  You somehow made a mistake when going through the various steps.  Start from scratch and try again following the instructions in the INSTALL file very carefully.  I just tried it on a RedHat system here and it worked fine.
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