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Bug #9402 never ending cycle
Submitted: 2001-02-22 09:12 UTC Modified: 2002-01-28 10:38 UTC
From: ojo at gic dot sk Assigned:
Status: No Feedback Package: Sybase (dblib) related
PHP Version: 4.0.4pl1 OS: RedHat 7.0
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2001-02-22 09:12 UTC] ojo at gic dot sk
When I call mssql_query and sql server error occured (for example I add a column to table, but didn't redefine view), then php script doesn't stop, but instead of that, it will wait forever. I have sybase-ct built in php (can compile stand-alone module, but can use, don't know why). I don't  think that in earlier versions (4.x) was this problem, but I am not sure.

Thanx for help



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 [2001-06-30 15:06 UTC]
This is not related to the mssql extension. You are using the sybase extension.
 [2002-01-07 02:28 UTC]
Does this problem occur on PHP 4.1.1?
 [2002-01-07 02:28 UTC]
-> Feedback.
 [2002-01-28 10:38 UTC]
No feedback. 
 [2002-01-29 10:00 UTC] ojo at gic dot sk
no. still the same.


$sqlcmd="raiserror(50007, 16, 1, 'NULL')";
$rs = mssql_query($sqlcmd);

Error definition:
number: 50007
severity: 016 - Miscellaneous User Error
text: bla, bla, bla %s.
language: english
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Last updated: Fri Jan 24 06:01:30 2025 UTC