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Doc Bug #79009 [FR] /manual/fr/function.include.php claims include returns FALSE
Submitted: 2019-12-20 18:27 UTC Modified: 2020-01-20 02:40 UTC
From: chealer at gmail dot com Assigned: girgias (profile)
Status: Closed Package: Translation problem
PHP Version: Irrelevant OS:
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2019-12-20 18:27 UTC] chealer at gmail dot com
According to the French version of include's documentation, include returns FALSE and triggers a warning:
>Gestion du retour : include retourne FALSE et émet une alerte.

In reality, this is obviously only the case on failure, as the English version indicates:
>Handling Returns: include returns FALSE on failure and raises a warning. 

There is by the way an equally major error in the very next sentence. Overall, the French page's quality is borderline (the error density is high and I would for my part very much prefer reading the English version).


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 [2019-12-20 19:23 UTC]
-Summary: /manual/fr/function.include.php claims include returns FALSE +Summary: [FR] /manual/fr/function.include.php claims include returns FALSE -Type: Bug +Type: Documentation Problem -Package: Documentation problem +Package: Translation problem
 [2019-12-20 23:34 UTC]
-Status: Open +Status: Verified -Assigned To: +Assigned To: girgias
 [2019-12-20 23:34 UTC]
Thanks for pointing this out.

Some of the translated pages haven't been reviewed in a long time, any help is appreciated and currently the best way to contribute is by using the online doc editor at

I will try to have a look a this soon, but no promises on the timeline.
 [2020-01-20 02:36 UTC]
Automatic comment from SVN on behalf of girgias
Log: Fix Doc Bug #79009
 [2020-01-20 02:40 UTC]
-Status: Verified +Status: Closed
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