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Bug #7628 Interval Flaw....
Submitted: 2000-11-03 13:56 UTC Modified: 2000-11-03 14:35 UTC
From: mike at traverse dot net Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: *Regular Expressions
PHP Version: 4.0.3pl1 OS: Redhat Linux 6.2-7
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2000-11-03 13:56 UTC] mike at traverse dot net
Following is a short script that I was writing for a friend.  However, what I found in testing it, was that the following interval {4} was acting like {4,}

Note specifically the test on $macadd4.







$macadd1 = "12af.54eb.b23c";
$macadd2 = "12aF.54eb.b23c";
$macadd3 = "12af?54eb.b23c";
$macadd4 = "1111.54eb.b23c111111";
$macadd5 = "12af.4eba.b23c.4567";

$regexstr = "([0-9a-f]{4}\.){2}([0-9a-f]{4})";

if (ereg($regexstr, $macadd1)) {
  echo ($macadd1 . " is a valid MAC Address!<P>\n");
} else {
  echo ($macadd1 . " is <b>NOT</b> a valid MAC Address!<P>\n");

if (ereg($regexstr, $macadd2)) {
  echo ($macadd2 . " is a valid MAC Address!<P>\n");
} else {
  echo ($macadd2 . " is <b>NOT</b> a valid MAC Address!<P>\n");

if (ereg($regexstr, $macadd3)) {
  echo ($macadd3 . " is a valid MAC Address!<P>\n");
} else {
  echo ($macadd3 . " is <b>NOT</b> a valid MAC Address!<P>\n");

if (ereg($regexstr, $macadd4)) {
  echo ($macadd4 . " is a valid MAC Address!<P>\n");
} else {
  echo ($macadd4 . " is <b>NOT</b> a valid MAC Address!<P>\n");

if (ereg($regexstr, $macadd5)) {
  echo ($macadd5 . " is a valid MAC Address!<P>\n");
} else {
  echo ($macadd5 . " is <b>NOT</b> a valid MAC Address!<P>\n");




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 [2000-11-03 14:12 UTC] mike at traverse dot net
Actually, I tested it further, and found that a regex of:


Works like:

 [2000-11-03 14:35 UTC]
User error, he needed ^ and $.
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