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Bug #74032 The code should throw a DEPRECATED message and it doesn't
Submitted: 2017-02-02 12:23 UTC Modified: 2017-02-02 17:59 UTC
From: roma dot chikunov at gmail dot com Assigned: cmb (profile)
Status: Not a bug Package: Scripting Engine problem
PHP Version: 7.0.15 OS: Xubuntu
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2017-02-02 12:23 UTC] roma dot chikunov at gmail dot com
From manual page:

In the manual page it is written that PHP 4 constructor is deprecated, therefore an error should be logged of PHP DEPRECATED, unfortunately it doesn't happen. 

The sample code is taken as is (except for the error_reporting method) from the documentation. 

Test script:


class foo {
    function foo() {
        echo 'I am the constructor';

$obj = new foo();


Expected result:
The expected result is for an error to be logged for using a deprecated constructor.

Actual result:
Works like a charm without any error \ warning


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 [2017-02-02 12:34 UTC]
-Status: Open +Status: Feedback -Type: Documentation Problem +Type: Bug -Package: Documentation problem +Package: Scripting Engine problem
 [2017-02-02 12:34 UTC]
Works for me.

Do you have display_errors on? Maybe you're logging errors to a file?
 [2017-02-02 12:46 UTC] roma dot chikunov at gmail dot com
-Status: Feedback +Status: Open
 [2017-02-02 12:46 UTC] roma dot chikunov at gmail dot com
Thanks for the prompt response!

I am logging to to the default apache error.log file.

As far as I know, error_reporting(-1) should log everything.

Just out of curiosity I have checked other deprecated stuff and it worked for me (specifically options in password_hash()), hence I don't think there's an issue with the logging.

Anyhow, I have also added ini_set('display_errors', '1'); to the code and there's no difference.
 [2017-02-02 12:58 UTC]
This deprecation is generated at compile-time, while error_reporting() and ini_set() are called at run-time. Try wrapping the class declaration in an eval() to see if that's the issue.
 [2017-02-02 13:07 UTC] roma dot chikunov at gmail dot com
eval() worked!

Question is - why it doesn't work without eval? Obviously, no developer will insert their classes into eval to check for a deprecated error.
 [2017-02-02 17:59 UTC]
-Status: Open +Status: Not a bug -Assigned To: +Assigned To: cmb
 [2017-02-02 17:59 UTC]
> Question is - why it doesn't work without eval?

As nikic has explained, error_reporting() and ini_set() can't
catch compile time errors. Set the appropriate directives in
php.ini during development.
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