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Request #72249 Add Support for PKCS7_get_signer_info
Submitted: 2016-05-20 21:34 UTC Modified: -
Avg. Score:4.0 ± 1.0
Reproduced:0 of 1 (0.0%)
From: tjg at ucsc dot edu Assigned:
Status: Open Package: OpenSSL related
PHP Version: 5.6.21 OS: FreeBSD 10.3
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2016-05-20 21:34 UTC] tjg at ucsc dot edu
I'm working on implementing a PHP interface to the Comodo CA for personal S/MIME certificates.  The certificates are delivered via the Comodo API in PKCS7 format.  However, none of the available PKCS7 PHP functions return a list of signer certificates from a given PKCS7 blob.

The PKCS7_get_signer_info OpenSSL function seems to return an array of signer certificates.  It would be very helpful if PHP's OpenSSL implementation could include an implementation of PKCS7_get_signer_info that would return X509 certificate objects for each certificate included in the PKCS7 data.

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