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Bug #7104 everything seems to compile ok, but httpd won't start
Submitted: 2000-10-09 18:27 UTC Modified: 2000-10-28 23:48 UTC
From: jordan at waypt dot com Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: Apache related
PHP Version: 4.0.2 OS: linux 2.2 glibc
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2000-10-09 18:27 UTC] jordan at waypt dot com
./configure --with-imap --with-ldap --with-mysql=/usr/ --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs --with-gd=/usr/ 

Only reason I use '--with-gd..." is because for some reason all of the php 4.. configurations need gd*.* something rather..  anyways..  

with that configuration line, everything appears to build ok, but when I try to load up httpd, it doesn't start up..  subsys is dead..  when I remove the module '' and 'mod_php4.c', httpd restards just fine.

It's either "A", libphp4 build, or "B" apache's inability to load php modules..

I would like to know.  The same build works fine on two other machines with redhat 6.2..  only having a problem with a pIII 600 MHz machine and this distribution version...  I've looked at every faq listed, for apache and php..  still no fixes..  Please .. I need instructions of what to check..  networking is healthy.. name/host lookups are fine..  

any ideas?


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 [2000-10-12 09:08 UTC]
There is also --without-gd (if you don't need GD functions).

Have you compiled and installed Apache from sources
or from RPM ? And where are the ldap-libs located?
And what about IMAP ? 

 [2000-10-28 23:48 UTC]
No feedback. 
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