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Bug #7099 ldap_add() under OpenLDAP 2.0.4+
Submitted: 2000-10-09 10:44 UTC Modified: 2000-10-12 11:05 UTC
From: malmond at vt dot edu Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: Unknown/Other Function
PHP Version: 4.0.2 OS: Linux
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: malmond at vt dot edu
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 [2000-10-09 10:44 UTC] malmond at vt dot edu
I have been using OpenLDAP 1.2.11 for awhile and could add records to the LDAP from PHP; upon switching into full production I can no longer add records (now using OpenLDAP 2.0.4).  I have recompiled PHP 4.0.2 with OL 2.0.4 and added to the new path for the libs (ran ldconfig).  I can not add to LDAP.  There are no problems with my schema or objectclasses; if I write the info to file I can ldapadd from the command line no problem.  I believe that it may have something to do with simple authentication that is sometimes needed for OpenLDAP root (admin) account.  If I reinstall PHP, update, this time pointing to OpenLDAP 1.2.11; the code works just fine in adding the record. Code for both is as follows (code is abbreviated for this example):

$entry is the array of attributes
$dn the LDAP distinquished name (DN)

$ldap_link = ldap_connect("localhost");
if($ldap_link) {
	if(ldap_bind($ldap_link, "uid=root,o=myorg,c=us","secretpassword")) {

		if(ldap_add($ldap_link,$dn,$entry)) {
			print "it worked";
			} else {
			print "did not work";

The script will always die on the ldap_add line: stating "LDAP: add operation could not be completed"


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 [2000-10-12 11:05 UTC]
User reported problem solved.


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