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Bug #69979 TypeError does not extend Exception
Submitted: 2015-07-02 02:57 UTC Modified: 2015-07-02 04:03 UTC
From: grzegorz129 at gmail dot com Assigned:
Status: Not a bug Package: Class/Object related
PHP Version: 7.0.0alpha2 OS: Linux
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2015-07-02 02:57 UTC] grzegorz129 at gmail dot com
Since development versions of PHP 7.0 TypeException was thrown, from alpha2 TypeError replaced it. Unfortunately none of them extends Exception - is there any reason for that?
It could introduce a lot of incompatibility - a lot of code catches some specific exceptions and at the end catches Exception. Good example of that is phpUnit - under PHP 7.0 is impossible to use setExpectedException() with TypeError because it doesn't extend Exception.

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 [2015-07-02 04:03 UTC]
-Status: Open +Status: Not a bug
 [2015-07-02 04:03 UTC]
Take a look at Additionally,
- Existing catch(Exception $e) code will continue to not catch errors
- Exception vs Error presents a clear separation between exceptions and errors

To catch everything, simply catch BaseException (alpha1) or Throwable (alpha2).
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