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Bug #69933 Reflection API no longer allows to override static properties
Submitted: 2015-06-25 20:17 UTC Modified: 2016-03-28 07:32 UTC
From: maf dot michal at gmail dot com Assigned: krakjoe (profile)
Status: Closed Package: Reflection related
PHP Version: 7.0Git-2015-06-25 (snap) OS: unix
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2015-06-25 20:17 UTC] maf dot michal at gmail dot com
As I was running tests of one of my PHP libs using travis-ci I encountered some issue with late static binding.

It seems to be not possible to override static property and access proper values with static:: keyword

On the other hand the problem might be with reflection API that cannot override static properties any more.

Non the less I provided full source code as long with tests scripts and results sets.

PS: Would it be wiser to replace static property storing default arguments with inline array in getArguments both for performance and memory improvements ? This way the problem would be fixed.

Test script:

Expected result:

Actual result:


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 [2015-06-25 22:08 UTC]
-Status: Open +Status: Feedback
 [2015-06-25 22:08 UTC]
Thank you for this bug report. To properly diagnose the problem, we
need a short but complete example script to be able to reproduce
this bug ourselves. 

A proper reproducing script starts with <?php and ends with ?>,
is max. 10-20 lines long and does not require any external 
resources such as databases, etc. If the script requires a 
database to demonstrate the issue, please make sure it creates 
all necessary tables, stored procedures etc.

Please avoid embedding huge scripts into the report.

How about a repro that doesn't rely on your test framework?
 [2015-06-26 18:41 UTC] maf dot michal at gmail dot com
-Summary: Late-static binding seems not working for static properties +Summary: Reflection API no longer allows to override static properties -Status: Feedback +Status: Open -Package: Class/Object related +Package: Reflection related
 [2015-06-26 18:41 UTC] maf dot michal at gmail dot com
class Base {
    protected static $prop = 'BASE';
    public function getProp() {
        return static::$prop;
class Mock extends Base { }

$obj = new Mock;
$excepted = 'REFLECTED';

$property = new ReflectionProperty('Base', 'prop');

$actual = $obj->getProp();
echo "Schould be `{$excepted}` and is `{$actual}`\n";
// exit($actual !== $excepted ? 1 : 0);
 [2015-06-26 18:47 UTC] maf dot michal at gmail dot com
 [2015-08-23 15:42 UTC] j dot tvr at centrum dot cz
 [2015-09-19 20:08 UTC] j dot tvr at centrum dot cz
I spent some time playing with this bug and it turned out to be worse problem that it originally seemed. Changing value of static property with reflection **permanently breaks the inheritance chain**.
 [2015-10-12 20:09 UTC] j dot tvr at centrum dot cz
Could someone look into this?
 [2016-03-28 07:32 UTC]
-Status: Open +Status: Closed -Assigned To: +Assigned To: krakjoe
 [2016-03-28 07:32 UTC]
This was fixed in 7.0.1, someone forgot to update the bug.
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Last updated: Fri Mar 28 05:01:28 2025 UTC