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Bug #6851 "floor()" function rounds down an integer that resulted from a division
Submitted: 2000-09-22 04:22 UTC Modified: 2000-09-24 17:05 UTC
From: virtual dot spirit at digi dot com dot br Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: Math related
PHP Version: 4.0.2 OS: RedHat Linux 6.1
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2000-09-22 04:22 UTC] virtual dot spirit at digi dot com dot br
# Script reproducing the problem:
$raw_result = (14056567/(14056567/100));
# the line below will generate error, too
# $raw_result = (140565637/(140565637/100));

$round = floor($raw_result);
echo "Raw result: $raw_result\nRounded: $round\n";

# Tested with two different PHP builds:
# ./configure --with-apxs --with-mysql --enable-ftp
# and
# ./configure --with-mysql --enable-ftp


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 [2000-09-22 04:38 UTC] virtual dot spirit at digi dot com dot br
When using floor to round a result of a division of some specific numbers,
it rounds down a integer number.
In a division like the one below, it rounds 100 to 99. But, if you change
14056567 to another number, it will probably work fine, except when using
some numbers like 140565637.

# Script reproducing the problem:
$raw_result = (14056567/(14056567/100));
# the line below will generate error, too
# $raw_result = (140565637/(140565637/100));

$round = floor($raw_result);
echo "Raw result: $raw_result\nRounded: $round\n";

# Tested with two different PHP builds:
# --with-apxs --with-mysql --enable-ftp
# and --with-mysql --enable-ftp
 [2000-09-24 17:05 UTC]
This is expected result. 100 is the same as 99.9999999999(9) in floats. Try it in any other language, like Perl or C, you get the same.
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