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Bug #66408 Wrong style file in chm documentation
Submitted: 2014-01-03 21:00 UTC Modified: 2014-03-26 15:19 UTC
Avg. Score:4.7 ± 0.7
Reproduced:38 of 38 (100.0%)
Same Version:5 (13.2%)
Same OS:5 (13.2%)
From: kulakov74 at yandex dot ru Assigned: bjori (profile)
Status: Closed Package: Doc Build problem
PHP Version: Irrelevant OS: Windows
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2014-01-03 21:00 UTC] kulakov74 at yandex dot ru
The pages in the englign enhanced PHP documentation (chm, 3 Jan 2014, downloaded from look like they have no style applied. Looking at the contents of a page I see a stylesheet href="style.css" but when I try to open its URL in the browser I get an html page instead (looks like the left panel) with a couple of css lines in the end. 

I would also appreciate if the pages had an extra style sheet - an external one - so I (anyone) could customize the documentation the way I want. 

Test script:

Expected result:

Actual result:


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 [2014-01-03 21:02 UTC] kulakov74 at yandex dot ru
-Summary: Wrong style file +Summary: Wrong style file in chm documentation
 [2014-01-03 21:02 UTC] kulakov74 at yandex dot ru
fixed the title
 [2014-01-03 21:04 UTC] kulakov74 at yandex dot ru
englign = english (sorry)
 [2014-01-03 21:28 UTC]
-Type: Documentation Problem +Type: Bug -Package: Documentation problem +Package: Doc Build problem
 [2014-01-03 21:28 UTC]
We are probably fetching the old (non-existing) stylesheets
 [2014-01-12 20:15 UTC] kulakov74 at yandex dot ru
Just FYI. I managed to decompile the chm file, replaced all style.css to file:///C:/Help/PHP/style.css, removed the manual sections I don't need (so I got 8300 files instead of over 13000) and recompiled the project with HTML Help Workshop. I also made some custom styles in style.css for me to make to manual look decent. 

Also I found these problems (I think not worth reporting extra bugs): 
-in HTML Help Edition (the very last topic), "Specialities of this Edition" and "Skin development" are outdated. 
-in "Integrating the PHP Manual" the manual pages URLs should be fixed to the current scheme (res/). 
-dotnet.intro.html should be renamed to intro.dotnet.html (like other intros)
-typo: "Inclusion hierarchy viewer" is presented as "inclued" in TOC
 [2014-01-13 20:22 UTC]
Automatic comment from SVN on behalf of bjori
Log: Remove outdated sections, see bug#66408
 [2014-01-13 20:24 UTC]
Automatic comment from SVN on behalf of bjori
Log: Fix ID (not worried about the BC here..

Fixed parts of bug#66408
 [2014-01-13 20:26 UTC]
Since I don't have a way of viewing the CHM, would you mind making a screenshot of how it looks with your CSS? I'd be very interested in using it.

> -in HTML Help Edition (the very last topic)


> -in "Integrating the PHP Manual" the manual pages URLs should be fixed to the current scheme (res/). 

I'm unsure what this means

> -dotnet.intro.html should be renamed to intro.dotnet.html (like other intros)

Nice catch, thanks

-typo: "Inclusion hierarchy viewer" is presented as "inclued" in TOC

This is correct. The actual name of it is 'inclued', see
 [2014-01-13 20:28 UTC]
Ohh, found the "Integrating the PHP Manual" chapter... 
But what are the actual paths? I don't know what this is trying to say :P
 [2014-01-14 19:28 UTC] kulakov74 at yandex dot ru
I'm not a pro web designer so my css is a bit amateur and incomplete, but it makes the docs look much better anyway. Making a css like that is really not a big deal, I'm sure many users might want to make their own themes if they get a chance. Try to see the 4 shots I made (chm 1-4). 
I can send the whole chm along with the css if you want to try it. 

in "Integrating the PHP Manual" this:
should be fixed to this:
 [2014-02-18 00:15 UTC] em dot dev at outlook dot com
style.css got corrupted somehow, so I went on investigating.
After decompiling it, I managed to get to that style.
As it turns out, it's not a style.

Luckily I kept the 2013-12-21 version. Unpacked this one as well, and it contains a proper style sheet.

The recent 2014-02-13 chm contains a style.css mixed up with a 5.4.25 documentation page:
"PHP Function List
styles/site.css doesn't exist. Closest matches:"

Where the older style.css contains only css declarations.

So it's best to check what goes on when compiling these chm's 'cause in the past there were a lot of these issues with styles.

Side note: I see amqp and skins were removed, prob. others too. Why? Aren't they not used anymore.
 [2014-03-11 01:41 UTC] em dot dev at outlook dot com
I see on the 7th a new chm was compiled, but whoever did it completely disregarded my previous post.

Nicely done lads, nicely done!

 [2014-03-13 09:44 UTC] andy at andy-burton dot co dot uk
Also having this problem having downloaded the latest chm today from, running windows 8.1
 [2014-03-14 12:50 UTC] olegin2310 at mail dot ru
Version of manual from March 14, 2014
style.css file is still wrong.
 [2014-03-14 18:20 UTC]
There seems to be some misunderstanding here.. The CHM manual is not built manually.
It is an automatic process, done weekly.

It will be broken until this bug is fixed and a new release of PhD deployed on the building machine.

If you would like to contribute the fix, have a look at:

Should be trivial fix.
The question is, who will submit the github Pull Request first? :)
 [2014-03-25 18:44 UTC] andy at andyburton dot co dot uk
I've had fun working out how this process works :)

The most simple fix is to just add the new themes to the config in

'css' => array ('theme-base.css', 'theme-medium.css')

This then loads both and compiles them into a single style.css file which is used in the CHM.

Is this config used for other builds, and so safe to change?

 [2014-03-25 23:15 UTC]
Interesting fix andy.

This config only provides defaults for any project using PhD (Facebook, PEAR, ...), so it can be overwritten however people want.

Are you sure that fix is enough? We have the domain and everything else hardcoded?
 [2014-03-26 12:32 UTC] andy at andyburton dot co dot uk
Indeed - i have made some class changes to better fix the problem for both epub and chm which seem to have worked well.

I've also extended it to take the google embedded fonts as it does on the php docs site and store them locally, as it does with images.

I like the config solution as it says "use these php defaults, unless you specify otherwise". It seems unnecessary to hard-code multiple stylesheet paths into the classes as they were previously, and to provide anything other than an absolute fall-back (which i've kept with theme-base.css).

Is the same phd repo being used by PEAR, FB etc? If so then i presume they will not want the css files in the config?
 [2014-03-26 15:19 UTC]
-Status: Open +Status: Closed -Assigned To: +Assigned To: bjori
 [2014-03-26 15:19 UTC]
The fix for this bug has been committed. Since the websites are not directly
updated from the repository, the fix might need some time to spread
across the globe to all mirror sites, including itself.

Thank you for the report, and for helping us make better.

I don't know what facebook plans are, they just forked the repo.
They currently don't provide chms so dunno.

I didn't realize the paths to the css file were so hardcoded anyway, so it would be fairly broken for anyone trying to customize it anyway.

The fix looks good, and has been merged!

Thank you !
 [2014-04-23 23:39 UTC] peci1 at seznam dot cz
For those not wanting to wait for the official version to appear on, I've built the CHM files myself (both normal and enhanced) using the fixed stylesheet. Feel free to download.
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