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Bug #65088 Generated configure script is malformed on OpenBSD
Submitted: 2013-06-21 16:22 UTC Modified: 2013-06-23 18:01 UTC
From: stolen dot data dot net at gmail dot com Assigned: aharvey (profile)
Status: Closed Package: Compile Failure
PHP Version: 5.5.0 OS: OpenBSD 5.3 (possibly all BSDs)
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2013-06-21 16:22 UTC] stolen dot data dot net at gmail dot com
This is a long-standing issue that dates back more than a year. I'm "re-reporting" 
it in hopes that it will finally get attention instead of being overlooked.

During ./configure, the following warnings - which later on cause the 
make/compilation phase to halt with errors - will show up:

./configure[21401]: cd: /usr/opt/php-5.5.0/"ext/date" - No such file or directory


./configure[56997]: cd: /usr/opt/php-5.5.0/"ext/mbstring" - No such file or 
./configure[56997]: cd: /usr/opt/php-5.5.0/"ext/mbstring" - No such file or 
./configure[56997]: cd: /usr/opt/php-5.5.0/"ext/mbstring/libmbfl" - No such file 
or directory

Backtracking from those line numbers we quickly find the problem, present at both 
lines 21381 and 56850:

    ep_realdir="`(cd \"$ep_dir\" && pwd)`"

This exact line is present numerous times in the configure script, but for some 
reason it fails on the three extension paths described above. It might be caused 
by the line just before that prepares $ep_dir using SED.

The quick'n'dirty solution is to simply unquote $ep_dir by removing the two \" in 
the subshell statement, but something proper would be preferred.

Also, no biggie, but there are some odd recurrences of inclusion paths showing up 
during compiling. Each line separated:


Test script:

Expected result:
No path failures.

Actual result:
Described above.


bug65088 (last revision 2013-06-22 23:54 UTC by

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 [2013-06-22 03:23 UTC]
-Status: Open +Status: Feedback
 [2013-06-22 03:23 UTC]
Seems fine on freebsd. If you re-generate the configure script, does it work?

rm configure && ./buildconf --force
 [2013-06-22 15:39 UTC] stolen dot data dot net at gmail dot com
No, rebuilding configure changed nothing. Already gave it a try.
 [2013-06-22 22:36 UTC]
So basically autoconf generates a configure script that doesn't work on OpenBSD? 
That sounds a bit suspicious and I wonder why nobody else has reported it.

Anything special about your environment?

And can you reproduce just with just running the ./configure script with no args 
that comes with the php-5.5.0 tarball?

I just tested it again on FreeBSD 9.0 and it worked flawlessly, so it is not a 
generic BSD issue. It is either OpenBSD-specific or specific to your 
 [2013-06-22 22:50 UTC]
So, a quick test on FreeBSD:

$ /bin/sh
$ cd /usr/"local"
$ pwd

That doesn't work on your machine?

We can't just remove the quotes there because it would break directory names 
with spaces and other shell-special characters in them. cd is a built-in in the 
shell and should support quoted literals. autoconf obviously relies on this 
being the case. Have you done something interesting to your /bin/sh on this box?
 [2013-06-22 22:56 UTC]
Just tried this on:
OpenBSD puffy.lan 4.9 GENERIC#477 amd64

bash-4.1# /bin/sh
# /bin/sh
# cd /root/
# pwd
# cd /usr/"local"
# pwd
 [2013-06-22 23:02 UTC]
Addendum: This is my shell version:

# echo $SH_VERSION
@(#)PD KSH v5.2.14 99/07/13.2
 [2013-06-22 23:53 UTC]
Can you try applying the patch I'm about to upload, then rebuilding configure by 
running ./buildconf, please? (You may need to use ./buildconf --force if you're 
using a release tarball; note that you'll require autoconf 2.59 or later.)
 [2013-06-22 23:54 UTC]
The following patch has been added/updated:

Patch Name: bug65088
Revision:   1371945248
 [2013-06-23 16:14 UTC] stolen dot data dot net at gmail dot com
Yes, I understand the quotation has to be reworked rather than removed 
("quick'n'dirty") - aharvey's supplied patch that changed the manner of quotation 
solved the problem, by the way.

No modifications have been done to my sh binary, and same goes for my environment 
with the exception of setting LC_CTYPE to get proper UTF-8 support. The problem is 
identical whether I run the vanilla configure or the rebuilt one, without 
arguments, or with the arguments I use for my PHP build.

I reported this problem already with PHP 5.4.0 on OpenBSD 5.0 - the PHP 5.3 branch 
did not show this problem on OpenBSD 5.0 or any other earlier version that I've 
been running for years, all of which use an unmodified environment.

Quoting portion of a path - cd /some/path/"somewhere" - works just fine straight 
off the shell with sh, ksh and bash, just like expected. I tested this already 
over a year ago when when I found this issue the first time. Why it fails when 
executed inside the configure script confused me already back then.
 [2013-06-23 16:32 UTC] stolen dot data dot net at gmail dot com
Backslash-escaping the quotes seems to be the issue, turning the quotes into 
literals causing broken substitution on both sh, ksh and bash.

sdata@antikythera$ cd /home/"sdata" && pwd 

sdata@antikythera$ cd /home/\"sdata\" && pwd
ksh: cd: /home/"sdata" - No such file or directory
 [2013-06-23 17:41 UTC]
-Status: Feedback +Status: Assigned -Assigned To: +Assigned To: aharvey
 [2013-06-23 17:41 UTC]
Terrific; thanks for that. I'll run a couple more tests quickly, and assuming 
they're OK, will push this.
 [2013-06-23 18:01 UTC]
-Summary: configure script (and compile) fails, perhaps due to BSD differences in SH +Summary: Generated configure script is malformed on OpenBSD
 [2013-06-23 18:01 UTC]
Editing the summary so that the news entry is more obvious.
 [2013-06-23 18:07 UTC]
Automatic comment on behalf of aharvey
Log: Fix bug #65088 (Generated configure script is malformed on OpenBSD).
 [2013-06-23 18:07 UTC]
-Status: Assigned +Status: Closed
 [2013-08-05 21:34 UTC] glen at delfi dot ee
this is actually old bug going back to 2006, fixed in pld, but seems never 

pld uses (used) pdksh as well at that time
 [2014-10-07 23:18 UTC]
Automatic comment on behalf of aharvey
Log: Fix bug #65088 (Generated configure script is malformed on OpenBSD).
 [2014-10-07 23:29 UTC]
Automatic comment on behalf of aharvey
Log: Fix bug #65088 (Generated configure script is malformed on OpenBSD).
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