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Bug #64140 SOAPClient returns null without any bug or exception thrown
Submitted: 2013-02-04 13:06 UTC Modified: 2022-12-29 11:26 UTC
Avg. Score:4.5 ± 0.8
Reproduced:31 of 33 (93.9%)
Same Version:17 (54.8%)
Same OS:19 (61.3%)
From: marek dot raida at lmc dot eu Assigned:
Status: Open Package: SOAP related
PHP Version: Irrelevant OS: Linux, Windows
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2013-02-04 13:06 UTC] marek dot raida at lmc dot eu
We're calling our internal company service using Soap client. There is WSDL including XSD file and PHP client is able to call method properly and is also getting back proper response and headers, but there is NULL as a result, always, and after couple of hours we still do not have any clue why... Tested on different version of PHP 5.1 - 5.5 alpha, always the same results. Java/Ruby clients behave correctly.

I'm including test script below, which is however depending on WSDL + XSD files and response from internal server.

However, we captured real response and are putting those WSDL publicly with faked real response file, for you to easily try it for yourselves. (recorded and stubbed in-place response from real server)

Test script:
$wsdl = "";
$client = new SoapClient($wsdl, array('trace' => 1, 'exceptions' => true, 'cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE));
$params =  array('acContext' => array('countryIds' => 56, 'language' => 19),
                 'searchString' => "Josefská 505/10, Brno, Brno-město");
try {
   var_dump($client->__soapCall('getAddressOptions', array('parameters' => $params)));
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "\nLast Request: " . $client->__getLastRequest()."\n";
echo "Last Request Headers: " . $client->__getLastRequestHeaders()."\n\n";
echo "Last Response: " . $client->__getLastResponse()."\n";
echo "Last Response Headers: " . $client->__getLastResponseHeaders()."\n";

Expected result:
have $result, object with parsed response from server

Actual result:
we are getting NULL but do not know why


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 [2013-02-04 13:10 UTC] marek dot raida at lmc dot eu
Thx for your help, I'm also enclosing captured output of given script run in our environment.
 [2016-07-18 13:11 UTC] info at nepda dot eu
With PHP 7.0.8 this is still an issue. W're working with the API from DHL (shipment provider). Since today, the response (header & SOAP body) is fine, but the SoapClient returns NULL. Any progress on this bug?
 [2022-12-29 11:26 UTC]
Apology for very long delay. It looks that the links no longer work. Would you be able to provide a gist or pastebin of those so it can still be investigated.
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