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Bug #62841 ora11g doesn't work
Submitted: 2012-08-16 23:00 UTC Modified: 2012-08-23 16:51 UTC
Avg. Score:3.0 ± 0.0
Reproduced:1 of 1 (100.0%)
Same Version:1 (100.0%)
Same OS:1 (100.0%)
From: altieresdelsent at gmail dot com Assigned:
Status: Not a bug Package: OCI8 related
PHP Version: 5.4.6 OS: Windows
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2012-08-16 23:00 UTC] altieresdelsent at gmail dot com
I was using php 5.3 with oracle client 11g and everything works fine. I have a wep app already in production with php5.3. I tried upgrade to php5.4, so I install in another folder XAMPP 1.8 who uses php 5.4. I tried everything to make oracle works, but I cannot connect in the database. Its really strange because in the same machine with the same remote database php 5.3 works just fine.
I am using in php 5.3 o php_oci8.dll with oracle client 11g
and with php5.4 I tried use php_oci8.dll. The error is:
ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
after I tried php_oci8_11g.dll and the the error is:
ORA-24315: illegal attribute type

I on a Windows Vista 64bit Machine,
Both php are 32bis,
oracle client is 32bits
The database is in another machine.

I think that everything that you need to simulate the problem is install XAMPP 1.8, enable php_oci8.dll and try run the test script.

Test script:
        echo system('env');
        echo "Client Version: " . oci_client_version(); 
        print_r(oci_pconnect(DBUSER, DBPASSWORD, DBTNS));

Expected result:
I was expecting that the oci_pconnect works, because the same script with php 5.3, works.

Actual result:
    [0] => Core
    [1] => bcmath
    [2] => calendar
    [3] => com_dotnet
    [4] => ctype
    [5] => date
    [6] => ereg
    [7] => filter
    [8] => ftp
    [9] => hash
    [10] => iconv
    [11] => json
    [12] => mcrypt
    [13] => SPL
    [14] => odbc
    [15] => pcre
    [16] => Reflection
    [17] => session
    [18] => standard
    [19] => mysqlnd
    [20] => tokenizer
    [21] => zip
    [22] => zlib
    [23] => libxml
    [24] => dom
    [25] => PDO
    [26] => bz2
    [27] => SimpleXML
    [28] => wddx
    [29] => xml
    [30] => xmlreader
    [31] => xmlwriter
    [32] => apache2handler
    [33] => Phar
    [34] => mbstring
    [35] => exif
    [36] => gd
    [37] => gettext
    [38] => mysql
    [39] => mysqli
    [40] => oci8
    [41] => pdo_mysql
    [42] => pdo_sqlite
    [43] => soap
    [44] => sockets
    [45] => sqlite3
    [46] => xmlrpc
    [47] => xsl
    [48] => mhash
    [0] => oci_define_by_name
    [1] => oci_bind_by_name
    [2] => oci_bind_array_by_name
    [3] => oci_field_is_null
    [4] => oci_field_name
    [5] => oci_field_size
    [6] => oci_field_scale
    [7] => oci_field_precision
    [8] => oci_field_type
    [9] => oci_field_type_raw
    [10] => oci_execute
    [11] => oci_cancel
    [12] => oci_fetch
    [13] => oci_fetch_object
    [14] => oci_fetch_row
    [15] => oci_fetch_assoc
    [16] => oci_fetch_array
    [17] => ocifetchinto
    [18] => oci_fetch_all
    [19] => oci_free_statement
    [20] => oci_internal_debug
    [21] => oci_num_fields
    [22] => oci_parse
    [23] => oci_new_cursor
    [24] => oci_result
    [25] => oci_client_version
    [26] => oci_server_version
    [27] => oci_statement_type
    [28] => oci_num_rows
    [29] => oci_close
    [30] => oci_connect
    [31] => oci_new_connect
    [32] => oci_pconnect
    [33] => oci_error
    [34] => oci_free_descriptor
    [35] => oci_lob_save
    [36] => oci_lob_import
    [37] => oci_lob_size
    [38] => oci_lob_load
    [39] => oci_lob_read
    [40] => oci_lob_eof
    [41] => oci_lob_tell
    [42] => oci_lob_truncate
    [43] => oci_lob_erase
    [44] => oci_lob_flush
    [45] => ocisetbufferinglob
    [46] => ocigetbufferinglob
    [47] => oci_lob_is_equal
    [48] => oci_lob_rewind
    [49] => oci_lob_write
    [50] => oci_lob_append
    [51] => oci_lob_copy
    [52] => oci_lob_export
    [53] => oci_lob_seek
    [54] => oci_commit
    [55] => oci_rollback
    [56] => oci_new_descriptor
    [57] => oci_set_prefetch
    [58] => oci_set_client_identifier
    [59] => oci_set_edition
    [60] => oci_set_module_name
    [61] => oci_set_action
    [62] => oci_set_client_info
    [63] => oci_password_change
    [64] => oci_free_collection
    [65] => oci_collection_append
    [66] => oci_collection_element_get
    [67] => oci_collection_element_assign
    [68] => oci_collection_assign
    [69] => oci_collection_size
    [70] => oci_collection_max
    [71] => oci_collection_trim
    [72] => oci_new_collection
    [73] => oci_free_cursor
    [74] => ocifreecursor
    [75] => ocibindbyname
    [76] => ocidefinebyname
    [77] => ocicolumnisnull
    [78] => ocicolumnname
    [79] => ocicolumnsize
    [80] => ocicolumnscale
    [81] => ocicolumnprecision
    [82] => ocicolumntype
    [83] => ocicolumntyperaw
    [84] => ociexecute
    [85] => ocicancel
    [86] => ocifetch
    [87] => ocifetchstatement
    [88] => ocifreestatement
    [89] => ociinternaldebug
    [90] => ocinumcols
    [91] => ociparse
    [92] => ocinewcursor
    [93] => ociresult
    [94] => ociserverversion
    [95] => ocistatementtype
    [96] => ocirowcount
    [97] => ocilogoff
    [98] => ocilogon
    [99] => ocinlogon
    [100] => ociplogon
    [101] => ocierror
    [102] => ocifreedesc
    [103] => ocisavelob
    [104] => ocisavelobfile
    [105] => ociwritelobtofile
    [106] => ociloadlob
    [107] => ocicommit
    [108] => ocirollback
    [109] => ocinewdescriptor
    [110] => ocisetprefetch
    [111] => ocipasswordchange
    [112] => ocifreecollection
    [113] => ocinewcollection
    [114] => ocicollappend
    [115] => ocicollgetelem
    [116] => ocicollassignelem
    [117] => ocicollsize
    [118] => ocicollmax
    [119] => ocicolltrim
Client Version:<br />
<b>Warning</b>:  oci_pconnect():  in <b>C:\xampp18\htdocs\config\aguaCheiro.php</b> on line <b>25</b><br />
    [code] => 24315
    [message] => ORA-24315: tipo de atributo inv�lido
    [offset] => 0
    [sqltext] => 


Pull Requests


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 [2012-08-23 16:51 UTC]
-Status: Open +Status: Not a bug
 [2012-08-23 16:51 UTC]
Please take this issue to a support forum, e.g.
 [2012-08-23 17:09 UTC] altieresdelsent at gmail dot com
I don't think that is a problem with oracle, because with php5.3 is working just fine. Maybe is a problem with oracle but is related with php5.4, because php5.3 works with the client and php5.4 do not work.
anyway thanks for your reply, I followed your advise and register a thread in oracle support for php.
the link is:
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