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Bug #59748 Causes segfault with non ascii chars is used in paths
Submitted: 2011-05-04 18:23 UTC Modified: 2011-10-05 21:29 UTC
Avg. Score:4.0 ± 0.0
Reproduced:1 of 1 (100.0%)
Same Version:0 (0.0%)
Same OS:0 (0.0%)
From: stamp at stamp dot se Assigned:
Status: No Feedback Package: svn (PECL)
PHP Version: 5.3.2 OS: Ubuntu server 10.04
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2011-05-04 18:23 UTC] stamp at stamp dot se
From aptitude show php5-svn:
Package: php5-svn
Version: 1.0.0-1
Section: devel
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <>
Depends: libapr1 (>= 1.2.7), libc6 (>= 2.4), libsvn1 (>= 1.6), phpapi-20090626+lfs, ucf

I have a simple php script that fetches the content of a file in the svn repository. Everything works fine with ascii chars but when there is a file with none ascii chars the apache process segfaults.

Php5 is installed with standard config. Mysql, gd, cli, xcache, xmlrpc, snmp, mcrypt and curl are the modules installed.

Reproduce code:
cat ../../svn.php

$_GET['path'] = trim(ltrim($_GET['path'],'/'));
if ($repo = svn_repos_open('/var/svn/wsj'))
if ($repo_fs = svn_repos_fs($repo))
if ($head = svn_fs_youngest_rev($repo_fs))
if ($repo_fs_root = svn_fs_revision_root($repo_fs,$head)) {

    header('Content-Type: '.svn_fs_node_prop($repo_fs_root,$_GET['path'],'svn:mime-type'));
    header('Content-Length: '.svn_fs_file_length($repo_fs_root,$_GET['path']));
    $f = svn_fs_file_contents($repo_fs_root,$_GET['path']);

    echo stream_get_contents($f);


svn.php?path=pdfFiles/145_Duschtalt_44_A.pdf <-- DO work
svn.php?path=pdfFiles/145_Duscht?lt_44_A.pdf <-- Causes segfault

Expected result:
The content of the requested file

Actual result:
Blank page


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 [2011-05-04 21:46 UTC] alan at akbkhome dot com
can you confirm which one (or if it's all of these cause the 


 [2011-05-05 01:34 UTC] stamp at stamp dot se
I can confirm the problem with the following functions:

 [2011-05-05 01:42 UTC] alan at akbkhome dot com
Ok, just checked the code for this.

In the development version it does this 
svn_utf_cstring_to_utf8 (&utf8_path, path, subpool);
path = svn_path_canonicalize(utf8_path, subpool);

Which is supposed to sort these types of values out.

Can you try a few things.
a) test the version in svn.
svn co svn
cd svn
make install

you will need the php5-dev package to build this.

b) test with a cli script and run with gdb
gdb php5
> run mytest.php
... segfault...
> bt full
... paste result into the bug report

 [2011-05-06 03:58 UTC] stamp at stamp dot se
a) I tried to run ./configure but it stoped at :

checking for svn support... yes, shared
checking for specifying the location of apr for svn... yes, 
checking for svn includes... configure: error: failed to 
find svn_client.h

I suppose I need a source version of subversion?

b) When i run the script thru php5-cli instead everything 
works just fine?!

:/var/www# php svn.php <-- WORKS <-- Causes "[Fri May 06 09:50:39 
2011] [notice] child pid 3744 exit signal Segmentation fault 
(11)" in the apache error log.

Server version: Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu)
Server built:   Nov 18 2010 21:17:19

If I removes the lines with svn_fs_node_prop, 
svn_fs_file_length and svn_fs_file_contents in the script, 
then apache stops to segfault.
 [2011-05-08 10:34 UTC] alan at akbkhome dot com
yes, you need the development packages,


sudo apt-get build-dep php-svn
 [2011-05-23 08:43 UTC] jonas dot falck at gmail dot com
I've now built it and still the same problem. 

compiled this version from : 
svn client version 	1.6.12
svn extension version 	1.0.2-dev 
Revision: 311349

Its still segfaulting when ran through apache2. 
php cli works. 

[Mon May 23 14:35:44 2011] [notice] child pid 18826 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)

We did those test on a fresh installer virtual machine running ubuntu server 11.04 with the following php script:

if (is_dir('/var/svn/test') && $repo = svn_repos_open('/var/svn/test'))
    if ($repo_fs = svn_repos_fs($repo))
	if ($head = svn_fs_youngest_rev($repo_fs))
	    if ($repo_fs_root = svn_fs_revision_root($repo_fs,$head)) {

			$data = svn_fs_dir_entries($repo_fs_root,'./');
			foreach($data as $file=> $line){
				$rev = svn_fs_node_created_rev($repo_fs_root,'/'.$file);
				echo $rev;


echo "hej";

 [2011-05-31 22:35 UTC] alan at akbkhome dot com
I should have given you this originally.
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