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Bug #58786 many times get method cause high cpu usage
Submitted: 2009-08-02 13:04 UTC Modified: 2009-08-04 23:21 UTC
From: yorgosun at gmail dot com Assigned:
Status: Not a bug Package: memcached (PECL)
PHP Version: 5.2.10 OS: CentOS 5.2
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2009-08-02 13:04 UTC] yorgosun at gmail dot com
I wrote a test script, when I request it in high concurrent 
connections(about 200c/s),php process cause high cpu 
usage(about 25% 
usage on 1.6G Xeon * 2's server).

follow is the script code:
 $mem = $dbm->getMemcached();

 $in = "testword!";

        $out = $mem->get("DDDFFD");
        echo $i.":".$out."<BR>";

My project must using the get method many times to catch the 
data in 
php script, project's script can't support enough concurrent 

Does this issue happen because libmemcached or 


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 [2009-08-04 05:27 UTC] yorgosun at gmail dot com
sorry, It's other things to caused this issue

Ignore it.
 [2009-08-04 17:17 UTC]
I'm curious, which things were these?
 [2009-08-04 23:21 UTC] yorgosun at gmail dot com

that code not return a real memcached instance, it return a 
instance that contain some our own code.

the code calculate memcached execute time, using microtime().

I think the code executed many times cause this issue.
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