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Request #57421 Perl DLL Availability for 5.2.0
Submitted: 2006-12-07 17:44 UTC Modified: 2017-10-24 09:06 UTC
Avg. Score:5.0 ± 0.0
Reproduced:1 of 1 (100.0%)
Same Version:1 (100.0%)
Same OS:1 (100.0%)
From: inetadmin at ruraltel dot net Assigned:
Status: Suspended Package: perl (PECL)
PHP Version: 5.2.0 RC4 OS: Windows
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2006-12-07 17:44 UTC] inetadmin at ruraltel dot net
I have been using the perl extension in my 5.1.x code, however, I have noticed that the latest release of 5.2.0 does not contain the .dll for perl on the pecl4win website.

I did not see anything in the 5.2.0 change log that indicated the perl functionality was now built-in, and the of course, the older .dll for the 5.1.x branch did not work.

I did not know if there was an issue with the perl extension and this new version of PHP.

I searched the archives of the mailing list, but was unable to find anything, and I was not able to obtain any information from the IRC channel other than I should post a bug report and the maintainer could then tell me the fix or what the status is.


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 [2007-02-27 22:20 UTC] rekarnar at gmail dot com
I too am experiencing this same issue and was wondering if a resolution had been found, as it has been some time since this was raised.

I hereby join the list of the millions that have searched the world for a solution and found nil. 

In all sincereness, /bump.
 [2007-06-28 04:18 UTC] cemplukcute2003 at yahoo dot com
Hi, i'm a newbie in perl :)
I'm using PHP 5.2.3 and Apache 2.2.4 for my final year project.
I already download the extension and it's written in readme that i need to compile this extension. But how?
I typed in this command to command prompt but it doesn't do or create anything : SET PERL_HOME=C:\perl
    msdev perl.dsp /MAKE "perl - Win32 Release_TS"
Can someone guide me how to add perl extension to PHP in Windows platform? Thank you
 [2007-06-28 10:31 UTC] dragoonchang at gmail dot com
I am looking for php_perl.dll for several months, too. I wish I can find some place to download it for PHP 5.2 release.

Thank you.
 [2007-09-07 13:50 UTC] eflores at sterlingandbaxter dot com
Can someone compile php_perl.dll for 5.2 and send me a copy??
 [2007-12-25 14:34 UTC] jeremytsilva at yahoo dot com
It does not appear this has been resolved yet for 5.2.*
 [2008-03-25 12:30 UTC] kking124 at umd dot edu
Hi - 

For those of you who asked how to compile, you need Microsoft Visual Studio - that is the program called MSDev.exe and the command line version is (it usually lives in someplace like %programs dir%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\Bin - for Visual Studio 6; you will have to add this to your cmd/dos path using >path %path%;%msdev path%).

For those who are running PHP 5.2.x (like me, unfortunately) - it does not compile, MSDev quits after throwing compile time 100 errors.

If you check the above person's post (jeremy) you will see that there are dll's available for 5.1 for download.

If you have any questions, shoot me an email.
 [2008-09-03 21:10 UTC] dhendric at adobe dot com
Any new news on this for PHP 5.2.x?
 [2008-09-15 04:52 UTC] soloincc at yahoo dot com
Hi guys, I am having a problem of creating a working using php_perl.dll in my script. I am using php 5.1.4 and Apache 2.0.59, and its like there are people who have managed to successful implement this.

After including php_perl extension in php.ini, on restarting apache it throws an error that the php_perl.dll extension cant be found yet its in the same location as all other extensions. 

Any Ideas?? 

I can be contacted on
 [2008-10-28 16:08 UTC] mpcnfl at yahoo dot com
Are we ever going to get a 5.2 compile?
 [2009-06-11 21:11 UTC] debiscott at woh dot rr dot com
Will someone please compile php_perl.dll for PHP 5.2? PLEASE???? is "temporarily" (forever it seems) out of service. I can't be the only soul needing this.
 [2009-11-05 14:28 UTC] sollabee at gmail dot com
I have searched for php_perl.dll for php 5.2.10 (or any 5.2 version). Can someone please send me the php_perl.dll? I'm at sollabee at gmail dot com. Thank you so much for helping!!
 [2011-07-21 13:28 UTC] cursoseo dot 61 at gmail dot com
WHY the hell you not smart and make a download section w teh 
php_perl.dll compiled ?? Looks like 98% of the people ahve 
problems compiling it.

So please make a donwload section w it compiled
 [2017-10-24 09:06 UTC]
-Status: Open +Status: Suspended
 [2017-10-24 09:06 UTC]
The perl package has had no activity for at least 4 years, so I'm gonna consider it dead. If a new maintainer decides to pick this back up, he/she can re-open the report
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