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Bug #55737 LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE - The used command is not allowed with this MySQL versio
Submitted: 2011-09-20 09:49 UTC Modified: 2012-05-04 13:46 UTC
Avg. Score:4.5 ± 0.8
Reproduced:10 of 12 (83.3%)
Same Version:10 (100.0%)
Same OS:3 (30.0%)
From: stefan dot kaifer at hartmann dot info Assigned: mysql (profile)
Status: Not a bug Package: MySQL related
PHP Version: 5.3.8 OS: opensuse 11.0
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2011-09-20 09:49 UTC] stefan dot kaifer at hartmann dot info

I've compiled php myself with this command:

./configure --with-mysql=mysqlnd --with-mysqli=mysqlnd --with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd ....

Now my php-applications can't use 
"LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/tmp/import-20110919173927-78613.txt' INTO TABLE ..." anymore!

On the command prompt I can use "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE", that means mysql server allows me to use "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE", the server variable "local infile" is setted to "ON" (with "local-infile=1" in the my.cnf).

It seems a php-mysqlnd problem. Neither the mysql nor the mysqli extensions allows me to use "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE". This is the Connect-line in my code:

$Connect = mysql_connect($DB_Host .":".$DB_Port,$DB_User,$DB_Password, FALSE, 128);

The error is:
#1148 - The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version 

Mysql-server: 5.5.16
PHP: 5.3.8
PHP-MYSQL-client: mysqlnd 5.0.8-dev - 20102224 - $Revision: 310735 $

MySQL Support	enabled
Active Persistent Links 	0
Active Links 	0
Client API version 	mysqlnd 5.0.8-dev - 20102224 - $Revision: 310735 $

Directive	Local Value	Master Value
mysql.allow_local_infile	On	On
mysql.allow_persistent	Off	Off
mysql.connect_timeout	60	60
mysql.default_host	no value	no value
mysql.default_password	no value	no value
mysql.default_port	no value	no value
mysql.default_socket	no value	no value
mysql.default_user	no value	no value
mysql.max_links	Unlimited	Unlimited
mysql.max_persistent	Unlimited	Unlimited
mysql.trace_mode	Off	Off

MysqlI Support	enabled
Client API library version 	mysqlnd 5.0.8-dev - 20102224 - $Revision: 310735 $
Active Persistent Links 	0
Inactive Persistent Links 	0
Active Links 	0

Directive	Local Value	Master Value
mysqli.allow_local_infile	On	On
mysqli.allow_persistent	On	On
mysqli.default_host	no value	no value
mysqli.default_port	3306	3306
mysqli.default_pw	no value	no value
mysqli.default_socket	no value	no value
mysqli.default_user	no value	no value
mysqli.max_links	Unlimited	Unlimited
mysqli.max_persistent	Unlimited	Unlimited
mysqli.reconnect	Off	Off

mysqlnd	enabled
Version 	mysqlnd 5.0.8-dev - 20102224 - $Revision: 310735 $
Compression 	supported
SSL 	supported
Command buffer size 	4096
Read buffer size 	32768
Read timeout 	31536000
Collecting statistics 	Yes
Collecting memory statistics 	No
Tracing 	n/a 

I hope, that somebody can help.

Best regards


Test script:
$Connect = mysql_connect($DB_Host .":".$DB_Port,$DB_User,$DB_Password, FALSE, 128);
$StrSQL = "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/tmp/test.txt' INTO TABLE testtable 
          FIELDS TERMINATED BY '</td><td>' LINES
          STARTING BY '<tr><td>'
          TERMINATED BY '</td></tr>' 
          IGNORE 1 LINES .....";
$Result1 = mysql_db_query($DB,$StrSQL,$Connect);


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AllCommentsChangesGit/SVN commitsRelated reports
 [2011-10-03 21:08 UTC] richardpq at gmail dot com
Hi I have exact the same problem, like you I compile php using those options, I 
have the same php version and mysql 5.5.15, have you resolve the problem?
 [2011-10-18 16:27 UTC] denis_truffaut at hotmail dot com
Related bugs :

A PHP Dev said it was resolved in 5.3.6, but it came back.
As it is a very common usage of MySQL, especialy to save/import data, it had to be fixed in priority.

The override PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_LOCAL_INFILE => 1 also doesn't not work.
What to do ?! :O
 [2011-10-18 20:23 UTC]
-Status: Open +Status: Feedback
 [2011-10-18 20:23 UTC]
mysqlnd allows LOAD DATA LOCAL in all cases but
if open_basedir is enabled. If open_basedir is set it is disabled regardless where the file to be loaded resides. This might be too strict for shared envs.
Do you have open_basedir enabled?
 [2011-10-18 20:23 UTC]
-Assigned To: +Assigned To: mysql
 [2011-10-19 02:30 UTC] richardpq at gmail dot com
No, I dont have enable, my php.ini:

; open_basedir, if set, limits all file operations to the defined directory
; and below.  This directive makes most sense if used in a per-directory
; or per-virtualhost web server configuration file. This directive is
; *NOT* affected by whether Safe Mode is turned On or Off.
;open_basedir =

Also has the first guy said... I can use LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE, from MySql 
client but not from an application using PHP.
 [2011-10-20 12:57 UTC] denis_truffaut at hotmail dot com
Some bug fix is planned for PHP 5.4 :

- PDO MySQL driver:
  . Fixed bug #54158 (MYSQLND+PDO MySQL requires #define MYSQL_OPT_LOCAL_INFILE)
 [2011-10-20 13:07 UTC] stefan dot kaifer at hartmann dot info
-Status: Feedback +Status: Assigned
 [2011-10-20 13:07 UTC] stefan dot kaifer at hartmann dot info
Thanx, it's very good!
 [2011-10-20 13:29 UTC] richardpq at gmail dot com
"Some bug fix is planned for PHP 5.4", what is that mean? no solution for php 

I would prefer a solution for this version, rather than wait for the final 
release of the new version, testing and see if it not affect others thing.
 [2011-10-21 11:20 UTC]
-Status: Assigned +Status: Feedback
 [2011-10-21 11:20 UTC]
Can you try 5.3-svn? Altough the NEWS entry mentions 5.4 the fix has landed in 5.3 too (committed on Sep 2). 5.3.8 was released on Aug 23rd.
 [2011-10-25 18:36 UTC] richardpq at gmail dot com,

Neither 5.3snv and 5.3.8 snv work, the same problem
 [2011-10-25 18:53 UTC]
Which is the last version of 5.3 which worked for you?
 [2011-10-25 19:21 UTC] richardpq at gmail dot com
I haven't test this functionality before, this is the first time that I tested 

@Stefan point that it was working before and now not, but I don't know which 
version he use... At the moment I am testing locally so I can put the files in my 
mysql data directory and it works, but I don't know, what I will do when I have 
to upload to the server since is not a private server.
 [2012-02-02 14:55 UTC] stefan dot kaifer at hartmann dot info

sorry for the late answer: 5.3.4 worked for me, 5.3.4 to 5.3.7 I don't tested!
5.3.8 and 5.3.9 dont't works for me. I've compiled all versions with the same "configure"-parameters.

I hope, that somebody can solve the problem.

Best reguards

 [2012-05-04 13:46 UTC]
-Status: Feedback +Status: Not a bug
 [2012-05-04 13:46 UTC]
So, what is this report about? If it's on ext/mysql, I call it not a bug. Thus, closing. If config is correct, things work just fine.

$host = "localhost:/var/run/mysql/mysql.sock";
$user = "root";
$pass = "";
$flags = 128;
$db = "test";

printf("PHP %s\n", PHP_VERSION);

$file = getcwd() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "foo.txt";
if (!($fp = fopen($file, "w")))
	die(sprintf("Failed to open '%s' for writing\n", $file));

if (!fwrite($fp, "1;a\n") || !fwrite($fp, "2;b\n"))
	die(sprintf("Failed to write to '%s'\n", $file));


$sql = sprintf("LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '%s' INTO TABLE test FIELDS TERMINATED BY ';'", $file);

if (!($mysql = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass, true, $flags)))
  die(sprintf("Failed to connect to MySQL\n"));

printf("MySQL %s\n", mysql_get_server_info($mysql));

mysql_query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test", $mysql);
mysql_query("CREATE TABLE test(id INT, col_a VARCHAR(255))", $mysql);


if (!($mysql = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass, true, $flags)))
  die(sprintf("Failed to connect to MySQL\n"));

if (!mysql_db_query($db, $sql, $mysql))
  die(sprintf("LOAD DATA failed: %s\n", mysql_error($mysql)));

$res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM test", $mysql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($res))

-------- gives -------------

PHP 5.3.12-dev                                                                                                                                                                      
MySQL 5.5.16-log                                                                                                                                                                    
array(2) {                                                                                                                                                                          
  string(1) "1"                                                                                                                                                                     
  string(1) "a"                                                                                                                                                                     
array(2) {                                                                                                                                                                          
  string(1) "2"                                                                                                                                                                     
  string(1) "b"                                                                                                                                                                     
 [2012-05-06 00:36 UTC] denis_truffaut at hotmail dot com
To :

This bug appears when you use both PDO (pdo_mysql) and mysqlnd (the php mysql 
native driver).

The last time I tested PHP 5.4, it was not solved so i tricked the sources to 
make it work, before compiling php.

A dirty fix is :

sudo sed -i -e 's/if (mysql_options(H->server, 
MYSQL_OPT_LOCAL_INFILE/local_infile = 1;if (mysql_options(H->server, 
MYSQL_OPT_LOCAL_INFILE/g' ext/pdo_mysql/mysql_driver.c
 [2012-11-22 03:10 UTC] major_sheisskopf at hotmail dot com
Guys. The answer to this is very easy if you are using the deprecated mysql 


Usually, you use mysql_connect without the last 2 optional arguments. But check 
out the manual page for it and you'll see that 128 enables LOAD DATA INFILE.

I don't know what the solution is for PDO, as I have not switched over to using 
it yet.
 [2013-03-22 12:27 UTC] haertl dot mike at gmail dot com
The bug still doesn't seem to be solved. I'm on Ubuntu 12.10 with php-fpm 5.4.6-
1ubuntu1.2 amd64 and still can call "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE" through PDO. It's 
still the same error:

#1148 - The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version 

I've also tried to set "local-infile" in the [client] and [mysql] section of 
MySQL`s my.cnf without success. LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE works fine with the mysql 
client on console though.
 [2013-03-31 08:57 UTC] mamm at ya dot ru
I have same problem, ubuntu 12, and load data cant be enabled, works only from mysql
 [2013-04-03 21:16 UTC] haertl dot mike at gmail dot com
On a client machine this issue went away, when i replaced the MySQL clients with 
those from MariaDB.
 [2013-05-14 08:49 UTC] dimm-man at yandex dot ru
In Debian Wheezy amd64 (PHP 5.4), this problem has not been solved. "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE" a PDO does not work.
 [2013-05-20 19:54 UTC] sward at undergroundelephant dot com
This bug still exists and is affecting me on these versions:

PHP 5.4.6-1ubuntu1.1 (cli) (built: Nov 15 2012 01:18:34)
PHP 5.4.9-4ubuntu2 (cli) (built: Mar 11 2013 16:05:09)

Please remove the "not a bug" status and reopen this ticket.  The issue is *not* 
external.  The problem has something to do with the PDO driver.
 [2013-08-19 15:34 UTC] shag134 at hotmail dot com
Same here, bug still exists

PHP 5.4.9-4ubuntu2.2 (cli) (built: Jul 15 2013 18:23:35)
 [2013-10-01 06:15 UTC] sasaloginov at gmail dot com
The prolem is remains
PHP (cli) (built: Sep 27 2013 11:40:37)
Mysql: 5.5.32-0ubuntu0.13.04.1
 [2013-10-01 14:28 UTC] wces77 at gmail dot com

You'll need to modify apparmor's config file. And remove the 'local' word from your sentence.

See this.

You need to add the path you want to import from...
 [2013-11-13 09:33 UTC] walkleyn at gmail dot com

The LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE function does not work with mysql5.5 and php5.4.4 on Debian Wheezy with open_basedir restrictions in place.
It works perfectly fine when open_basedir is disabled or set to nothing.
So I guess I'm following on from what Andrey has posted: "If open_basedir is set it is disabled regardless where the file to be loaded resides. This might be too strict for shared envs.
Do you have open_basedir enabled?"
Indeed it is too strict for shared environments.
Is there any way to get around it?
I've tested it with the mysql lib (php5-mysql) as well as the mysqlnd drivers and both do the same.


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