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Bug #54409 strtotime(): "this week" gives incorrect result for Sunday dates
Submitted: 2011-03-28 17:20 UTC Modified: 2016-08-07 09:27 UTC
Avg. Score:3.9 ± 0.9
Reproduced:8 of 8 (100.0%)
Same Version:2 (25.0%)
Same OS:2 (25.0%)
From: 1234 dot ia at gmail dot com Assigned: derick (profile)
Status: Duplicate Package: Date/time related
PHP Version: 5.3.6 OS: Linux 2.6.36-hardened
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2011-03-28 17:20 UTC] 1234 dot ia at gmail dot com
When trying to get relative dates, strtotime() gives incorrect result for relative format "{weekday} this week" when the base date is Sunday. It should return the same day, as it does with other weekdays, but it returns next week's day.

Test script:

error_reporting( -1 );
date_default_timezone_set( "Europe/Bratislava" );

for ( $i = 0; $i < 7; $i++ )

	$base = strtotime( "2011/01/17 +$i days 12:00:00" );
	$weekday = date( "l", $base );
	$relative = strtotime( "$weekday this week 12:00:00", $base );
	echo date( "l Y/m/d", $base ), "\n", date( "l Y/m/d", $relative ), "\n\n";


Expected result:
Monday 2011/01/17
Monday 2011/01/17

Tuesday 2011/01/18
Tuesday 2011/01/18

Wednesday 2011/01/19
Wednesday 2011/01/19

Thursday 2011/01/20
Thursday 2011/01/20

Friday 2011/01/21
Friday 2011/01/21

Saturday 2011/01/22
Saturday 2011/01/22

Sunday 2011/01/23
Sunday 2011/01/23

Actual result:
Monday 2011/01/17
Monday 2011/01/17

Tuesday 2011/01/18
Tuesday 2011/01/18

Wednesday 2011/01/19
Wednesday 2011/01/19

Thursday 2011/01/20
Thursday 2011/01/20

Friday 2011/01/21
Friday 2011/01/21

Saturday 2011/01/22
Saturday 2011/01/22

Sunday 2011/01/23
Sunday 2011/01/30


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 [2011-03-28 21:06 UTC]
-Status: Open +Status: Assigned -Assigned To: +Assigned To: derick
 [2012-03-31 09:54 UTC] milan dot matejcek at gmail dot com
Bug persists (php 5.3.10), in our country (Czech) week start on Monday. 
If you set Saturday for example (31-03-2012) on your machine 
var_dump(new DateTime('monday this week'));//26-03-2012

Now let's set Sunday (01-04-2012) on your machine
var_dump(new DateTime('monday this week'));//actual 02-04-2012, expected 26-03-

help is variable set first day of week.
 [2014-11-02 21:42 UTC] karl at ivide dot com
A variation on this is that the following code run on a saturday or sunday yields monday's date, not the same date as one would expect. Tried on PHP 5.6 on Windows.

echo date('Y-m-d', strtotime("+0 weekdays"));


echo date('Y-m-d', strtotime("+0 days"));

Works as expected.
 [2016-08-07 09:27 UTC]
-Status: Assigned +Status: Duplicate
 [2016-08-07 09:27 UTC]
This is a duplicate of bug #63740, which has been fixed as of PHP
5.6.23 and 7.0.8, respectively (see <>).
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Last updated: Tue Jan 28 23:01:28 2025 UTC