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Bug #5098 min() and max() functions broken if parameter is an array
Submitted: 2000-06-17 06:00 UTC Modified: 2000-06-17 06:02 UTC
From: jesusmc at scripps dot edu Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: Misbehaving function
PHP Version: 4.0.0 Release OS: Solaris 2.6
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2000-06-17 06:00 UTC] jesusmc at scripps dot edu
The min() and max() functions work OK if a set of numeric values are passed, but if the parameter is an array it dies in PHP 4.0.0 Release.

The following script:

echo "Finding the min and max of some integers: 100,22,3,35,2,56,21<br>";
echo "Max val: ".max(100,22,3,35,2,56,21)."<br>";
echo "Min val: ".min(100,22,3,35,2,56,21)."<br>";
echo "<hr>";
echo "Now creating array from that list...";
$test = array(100,22,3,35,2,56,21);
echo "array created<br>"; 
echo "This shows the bug, the array will make the interpreter die<br>";
echo "Max val: ".max($test)."<br>";
echo "Min val: ".min($test)."<br>";
echo "This will not show";

Will only output:

Finding the min and max of some integers: 100,22,3,35,2,56,21
Max val: 100
Min val: 2

Now creating array from that list...array created
This shows the bug, the array will make the interpreter die

As you can see it dies when the array is passed. 

My config line was:

./configure --prefix=/asd/dredox3/development/php4 \
--with-config-file-path=/asd/dredox3/development/php4 \
--enable-track-vars --enable-magic-quotes \
--enable-xml --enable-wddx --disable-debug\
--enable-ftp --enable-calendar\
--enable-bcmath --enable-trans-id\
--with-gd=/asd/metallo1/server/libs/gd \
--with-msql=/asd/dredox3/development/msql \
--with-mysql --disable-debug \

And this happens irrespective of whether I use the Zend Optimizer or not.

The error log from Apache shows (from 2 tests of the script above):
[Fri Jun 16 20:33:45 2000] [notice] child pid 19188 exit signal Segmentation Fault (11)
[Fri Jun 16 20:36:52 2000] [notice] child pid 19165 exit signal Segmentation Fault (11)

Had not tested on a Linux (RH 6.1) box at home, will post more info later when I test there.

Tried checking the latest code on, but that site is out cold right now, it just shows a dir listing.


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 [2000-06-17 06:02 UTC] rasmus at cvs dot php dot net
This is fixed in CVS.  Wait for 4.0.1 or grab a snapshot from
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