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Request #47651 New format/theme to create funcindex.xml and friends
Submitted: 2009-03-13 17:10 UTC Modified: 2011-07-02 00:52 UTC
From: Assigned: philip (profile)
Status: Closed Package: Doc Build problem
PHP Version: Irrelevant OS: All
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2009-03-13 17:10 UTC]
In phpdoc/ we have [had] the following:

- funcindex.xml
- funclist.txt
- funcsummary.txt
- quickref.txt

This is a request for PhD to build these. 

Currently much of this information still comes directly from php-src, 
and it'd be nice to simply build them from the documentation sources 
instead. Building them from php-src is problematic, and besides our 
scripts to do so are unmaintained and essentially broken.

And while this is done let's leave them out of CVS and host on either 
the mirrors or

Note: A related and additional option is to create an ini setting for 
PhD to create funcindex.xml and use it in the build.

Note: Several scripts exist in scripts/ but likely they won't offer 
much help as they simply scour php-src.


Pull Requests


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 [2009-03-29 23:19 UTC]
This feature should expand what we do currently, in order to be more 
friendly to the IDE community.

- Discuss this topic with the IDE community and determine 
  what they want
- Have as much information as possible
- Design the XML Syntax for these files
- Expand the idea for variables, types, constants, expressions, ...
- Work for functions that are both Procedural and OO
--- Like MySQLi
- Include example scripts for parsing these generated files
- Have one script available that converts it to SQLite
- Update these weekly and list them on the doc server
- Inform the IDE community of what we've done and will do

I've started discussing this with the IDE community.

 [2009-05-01 23:08 UTC]
Here's a proof of concept structure from a documented function:

Included are various thoughts, concerns, and points of discussion.
 [2010-03-12 16:19 UTC]
-Type: Bug +Type: Feature/Change Request
 [2011-06-06 05:41 UTC]
Automatic comment from SVN on behalf of philip
Log: Updated the generated function text files using PhD_IDE. Deals with PHP bug #47651 and PHP bug #52079. Kept BC where possible, but removed cruft from when these were generated by scanning php-src. Adds many functions, and is the lists are alphabetical.
 [2011-07-02 00:52 UTC]
-Status: Open +Status: Closed -Assigned To: +Assigned To: philip
 [2011-07-02 00:52 UTC]
PhD_IDE solves this, and much much more. Thank Moacir for that!
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