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Bug #46677 Can not make install php5.2.6
Submitted: 2008-11-26 06:44 UTC Modified: 2008-12-17 01:00 UTC
Avg. Score:3.4 ± 0.8
Reproduced:2 of 3 (66.7%)
Same Version:1 (50.0%)
Same OS:2 (100.0%)
From: chunhuan dot pan at alcatel-sbell dot com dot cn Assigned:
Status: No Feedback Package: Compile Failure
PHP Version: 5.2.6 OS: HP-UX 11.23
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2008-11-26 06:44 UTC] chunhuan dot pan at alcatel-sbell dot com dot cn
I wanna install php5.2.6 on a HP-UX 11.23 Itanium 2 server
Step 1: install all the dependence packages
status: OK
Step 2: install apache2.0.59
status: OK
Step 3: install php5.2.6
shell>./configure --prefix=/usr/local/php --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs
status: OK
status: OK
shell>make install
status: error
error description:
"sh[2]: 16259 Memory fault(coredump)|
*** Error exit code 139 (ignored)"  |
Note: I tried other version php ,and return the same error 

Reproduce code:
Build complete.
(It is safe to ignore warnings about tempnam and tmpnam).

bash-3.2# make test
sh[2]: 16259 Memory fault(coredump)
*** Error exit code 139 (ignored)

Expected result:
Install successfully

Actual result:
*** Error exit code 139 (ignored)


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 [2008-12-03 08:55 UTC] chunhuan dot pan at alcatel-sbell dot com dot cn
After test the PHP version you provide ,and other PHP version .The server return the same error ,
Memory fault(coredump)
And I also tried to use gcc 3.x and gcc 4.x to compile ,The server return the same error ,
Memory fault(coredump)
Finally ,I used the option --without-pear option when I configure it
configure ...OK
make ....OK
make test .....Memory fault(coredump)
make install ... OK
and then I test it via php script which used some API.and the server showed :
bash-3.2# /usr/local/php/bin/php phpinfo.php
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Who can help me to solve the trouble ><!!
 [2008-12-03 09:01 UTC]
Thank you for this bug report. To properly diagnose the problem, we
need a backtrace to see what is happening behind the scenes. To
find out how to generate a backtrace, please read for *NIX and for Win32

Once you have generated a backtrace, please submit it to this bug
report and change the status back to "Open". Thank you for helping
us make PHP better.

 [2008-12-04 01:26 UTC] chunhuan dot pan at alcatel-sbell dot com dot cn
Trace No.1
  Create a php script named phpinfo.php with the content:
  $str = 'abcdef';
  echo strlen($str);

  Step 2:
  Run the script:
  bash-3.2# /usr/local/php/bin/php ./phpinfo.php
  Segmentation fault (core dumped)

  Step 3:
  Analyse the core file via gdb:
bash-3.2# gdb /usr/local/php/bin/php core
HP gdb 5.4.0 for HP Itanium (32 or 64 bit) and target HP-UX 11.2x.
Copyright 1986 - 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Hewlett-Packard Wildebeest 5.4.0 (based on GDB) is covered by the
GNU General Public License. Type "show copying" to see the conditions to
change it and/or distribute copies. Type "show warranty" for warranty/support.
Core was generated by `php'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
SEGV_ACCERR - Invalid Permissions for object

warning: Load module /usr/local/lib/hpux32/ has been stripped.
Debugging information is not available.

warning: Load module /usr/local/lib/hpux32/ has been stripped.
Debugging information is not available.

warning: Load module /usr/local/lib/hpux32/ has been stripped.
Debugging information is not available.

warning: Load module /usr/local/lib/hpux32/ has been stripped.
Debugging information is not available.

#0  _zval_ptr_dtor ()
    at /opt/pkg_list/php5.2-200811272330/Zend/zend_execute_API.c:412
412             (*zval_ptr)->refcount--;
 [2008-12-04 01:57 UTC] chunhuan dot pan at alcatel-sbell dot com dot cn
Trace No.2
Step 1:
bash-3.2# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/php --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs --enable-debug

Step 2:
bash-3.2# make

Step 3:
bash-3.2# make test
************************begin chunhuap*******************************
SPL: ArrayObject::__construct basic usage with ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS. [ext/spl/tests/arrayObject___construct_basic4.phpt]
SPL: ArrayObject::__construct basic usage with ArrayObject::STD_PROP_LIST|ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS. [ext/spl/tests/arrayObject___construct_basic5.phpt]
SPL: ArrayObject::exchangeArray() basic usage with object as underlying data store. [ext/spl/tests/arrayObject_exchangeArray_basic3.phpt]
SPL: ArrayObject::setFlags basic usage with ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS. [ext/spl/tests/arrayObject_setFlags_basic1.phpt]

You may have found a problem in PHP.
We would like to send this report automatically to the
PHP QA team, to give us a better understanding of how
the test cases are doing. If you don't want to send it
immediately, you can choose "s" to save the report to
a file that you can send us later.
Do you want to send this report now? [Yns]:
************************end  chunhuap*******************************

Step 4:
bash-3.2# make install
************************Begin chunhuap*******************************
Installing PHP SAPI module:       apache2handler
/usr/local/apache2/build/ SH_LIBTOOL='/usr/local/apache2/build/libtool' /usr/local/apache2/modules
/usr/local/apache2/build/libtool --mode=install cp /usr/local/apache2/modules/
cp .libs/libphp5.lai /usr/local/apache2/modules/
cp .libs/libphp5.a /usr/local/apache2/modules/libphp5.a
ranlib /usr/local/apache2/modules/libphp5.a
chmod 644 /usr/local/apache2/modules/libphp5.a
libtool: install: warning: remember to run `libtool --finish /opt/pkg_list/php5.2-200811272330/libs'
Warning!  dlname not found in /usr/local/apache2/modules/
Assuming installing a .so rather than a libtool archive.
chmod 755 /usr/local/apache2/modules/
[activating module `php5' in /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf]
Installing PHP CLI binary:        /usr/local/php/bin/
Installing PHP CLI man page:      /usr/local/php/man/man1/
Installing build environment:     /usr/local/php/lib/php/build/
Installing header files:          /usr/local/php/include/php/
Installing helper programs:       /usr/local/php/bin/
  program: phpize
  program: php-config
Installing man pages:             /usr/local/php/man/man1/
  page: phpize.1
  page: php-config.1
Installing PEAR environment:      /usr/local/php/lib/php/

No download utilities found. Don't know how to download PEAR archive.

| The installation process is incomplete. The following resources were |
| not installed:                                                       |
|                                                                      |
|   PEAR: PHP Extension and Application Repository                     |
|                                                                      |
| To install these components,                                         |
| download to php-src/pear/      |
| become the superuser and execute:                                    |
|                                                                      |
|   # make install-su                                                  |
Installing PDO headers:          /usr/local/php/include/php/ext/pdo/
************************End chunhuap*******************************

Step 5;
Analyse core file
************************Begin chunhuap*******************************
bash-3.2# gdb /usr/local/php/bin/php  core
HP gdb 5.4.0 for HP Itanium (32 or 64 bit) and target HP-UX 11.2x.
Copyright 1986 - 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Hewlett-Packard Wildebeest 5.4.0 (based on GDB) is covered by the
GNU General Public License. Type "show copying" to see the conditions to
change it and/or distribute copies. Type "show warranty" for warranty/support.

warning: exec file is newer than core file.
Core was generated by `php'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
SEGV_ACCERR - Invalid Permissions for object
"/usr/local/bin/": can't read symbols: File format not recognized.

warning: Unwind failed for lack of lmdp
#0  0x46e02e0:0 in computeJD (p=Cannot access memory at address 0x800000000000040b
    at /opt/pkg_list/php5.2-200811272330/ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/date.c:240
240       p->rJD = X1 + X2 + D + B - 1524.5;
************************End chunhuap*******************************
 [2008-12-08 12:32 UTC]
Now, can you please provide the requested _backtrace_ finally? In gdb using command 'bt'..
 [2008-12-09 01:36 UTC] chunhuan dot pan at alcatel-sbell dot com dot cn
Hello jani:
 See my backtrace below:
(gdb) bt
#0  0x2330000000000000 in <unknown_procedure> ()
warning: Attempting to unwind past bad PC 0x2330000000000000
#1  0x6f7269675f76616c in <unknown_procedure> ()
PS: To get a best test ,could you show me the test source ,steps ,I am not very clearly how to get a best backtrace to help you solve the error!

Thx a lot ,:-)
 [2008-12-09 10:28 UTC]
Please try using this CVS snapshot:
For Windows:

 [2008-12-17 01:00 UTC] php-bugs at lists dot php dot net
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a week, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".
 [2008-12-23 09:36 UTC] chunhuan dot pan at alcatel-sbell dot com dot cn
Hello guys :
  Thank you for your greate help on this issues.
  For server migration is an urgent time ,and this problem broke me too much time ,so ,I take a new server with solaris OS to instead of.
  So ,from now ,I lost the permission to keep tracking on this coredump.
  Shall I close this ER?
 [2009-06-11 16:55 UTC] tony dot dziedzic at oracle dot com
I also ran into this bug using PHP 5.2.9 on HP-UX.  Here is a stack backtrace obtained when executing the test script described in this bug report on HP-UX 11.31:

#0  _zval_ptr_dtor (zval_ptr=0x7fff98b0)
    at /p5h/reliaty/web/php-5.2.9/Zend/zend_execute_API.c:412
#1  0x46e9cd0:0 in zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC (execute_data=0x7fff9940)
    at zend_execute.h:155
#2  0x46c0b60:0 in execute (op_array=0x40099128) at zend_vm_execute.h:92
#3  0x466c050:0 in zend_execute_scripts (type=8, retval=<not available>,
    at /p5h/reliaty/web/php-5.2.9/Zend/zend.c:1134
#4  0x45be820:0 in php_execute_script (primary_file=Error accessing memory address 0x8: Invalid argument.
    at /p5h/reliaty/web/php-5.2.9/main/main.c:2023
#5  0x47f2d60:0 in main (argc=Error accessing memory address 0xc: Invalid argument.
    at /p5h/reliaty/web/php-5.2.9/sapi/cli/php_cli.c:1133

Note that the bug does NOT occur when using php5.2-200906111230.tar.

Joseph Dziedzic
 [2011-11-25 09:40 UTC] zhang_bo at yahoo dot cn
I've experienced this issue.

OS:HP-UX HP-PA B.11.31 U ia64 2070666585
PHP:5.2.x & 5.3.8 (I tried all versions almost……)

compile with gcc(gcc version 4.2.3), I got the same errors & backtrace.
BUT compiled with bundled CC(HP C/aC++ B3910B A.06.12), Successfully~:)

Try this:
bash-4.2# export CC="cc"
bash-4.2# ./configure  --prefix=/usr/local/php --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs/bin/apxs
bash-4.2# make
bash-4.2# make install
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Last updated: Sat Sep 28 13:01:27 2024 UTC