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Bug #45961 moderator permissions
Submitted: 2008-09-01 00:22 UTC Modified: 2008-09-05 19:13 UTC
From: bastard dot internets at gmail dot com Assigned:
Status: Wont fix Package: Website problem
PHP Version: Irrelevant OS: n/a
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2008-09-01 00:22 UTC] bastard dot internets at gmail dot com
Regarding notes posts:

Requesting website feature change - do not allow editing of user added notes to manual pages by any user other than the original author under any circumstances except if vital to the functioning of the website or as required by law.  Instead, allow only complete deletion of user added notes by authorized website moderators for the sole purpose of website moderation.

Reason for this request is to prevent either obscuring the intention of the code example of the original author, or stealing credit away from the original author (either bad credit or good).  

My notes addition - - was overwritten by action  Subsequently, the user of that overwrite action created post which, either intentionally or not, claimed responsibility for my original post and obscured the original intent of the code.  I don't believe user meant harm nor to steal credit in this case, and user's actions are still clearly tracked and public, but it's clear that this editing ability may be abused easily or cause confusion about the post origination and intention.



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 [2008-09-01 00:26 UTC] bastard dot internets at gmail dot com
Editing bug summary only for bug search results ambiguity.
 [2008-09-01 19:15 UTC]
Your note was not edited, it was completely removed.

I have no idea who that "paulkievits" guy is, but that is not Felipe.

However, we do retain the right to edit user notes - usually by adding "Editorial note: ...", and you do forfit any rights or copyright to the content of your note on submission.
Retaining all rights would severely jeopardize every single application ever written in PHP due to stupid licensing issues and IP claims.

 [2008-09-03 16:00 UTC] bastard dot internets at gmail dot com
Understood about taking all rights, but viewing the manual page, most of the note is still there.  Did paulkievits at hotmail dot com's reply to a note generated elsewhere in the website about a website admin's action of deleting my manual page post prevent it from being fully deleted from the manual page?  Or what could have caused my original posting email, date, and introductory paragraph to be preserved and mixed in with another user's note?
 [2008-09-03 19:19 UTC]
I don't see his note there, it has already been deleted (few days ago).

He probably "replied" to your note, and copy&pasted whatever your note contained.

There is no quoting mechanism or any relations between the notes in the system. Notes are linked to page IDs and are ordered by date. There is nothing else.

 [2008-09-05 19:13 UTC] bastard dot internets at gmail dot com
I found the note describing how my original note was modified:

Comparing all related notes from paulkievits at hotmail dot com, felipe, and myself, it looks like felipe was just consolidating them all into a single note for the manual page.  I was taking what appeared on the manual page out of context.  Case can be closed.  User error.

Also, I'd suggest the remaining note under anotheruser at example dot com 02-Aug-2008 01:12 on the manual page be filed under useless code and deleted as well.  Several bad ideas on my part still in there.

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