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Request #45169 Some error messages are uninformative
Submitted: 2008-06-04 11:24 UTC Modified: 2021-08-27 12:59 UTC
Avg. Score:4.3 ± 0.8
Reproduced:13 of 13 (100.0%)
Same Version:6 (46.2%)
Same OS:2 (15.4%)
From: ian dot lewis at mediatel dot co dot uk Assigned:
Status: Open Package: PDO related
PHP Version: 5.2.6 OS: Linux Ubuntu
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2008-06-04 11:24 UTC] ian dot lewis at mediatel dot co dot uk
The error message is given below.

PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens in xxx.php

It would be - extremely - helpful if the error message contained a list of the matched tokens or some information on where the token substitution failed.

Reproduce code:
$query = "SELECT *
FROM example_table et
WHERE start_date BETWEEN ':sStartDate' AND ':sEndDate'
 AND user_id = :iId"

<snip prepare statement>

$sStatement->bindParam(':iId',         $iUserId,      PDO::PARAM_INT);
$sStatement->bindParam(':sStartDate',  $sStartDate,    PDO::PARAM_STR);
$sStatement->bindParam(':sEndDate',    $sEndDate,      PDO::PARAM_STR);

The error PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens in xxx.php

Expected result:
Expect to see either no error because it worked or a message such as

PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens in xxx.php. Cannot find   token :sStartDate

Actual result:
PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens in xxx.php


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 [2009-12-24 10:43 UTC] lapo at lapo dot it
You problem is probably that you used "'" for bound strings when they 
should not be used (and thus they were considered constant strings), but 
I do agree on the issue that the error could be more informative.
 [2011-04-08 21:04 UTC]
-Summary: PDO Some error messages are uninformative +Summary: Some error messages are uninformative -Package: Feature/Change Request +Package: PDO related
 [2021-08-27 12:59 UTC]
> It would be - extremely - helpful if the error message contained
> a list of the matched tokens or some information on where the
> token substitution failed.

While that probably can be done for emulated prepares, it cannot
be done for native prepares (because these are not processed by
PHP, so we rely on what the server reports), and it seems to me
that the latter are more widely used.

Anyhow, 18 upvotes, so I'm leaving this open.
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