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Bug #42270 stdClass could not be converted to string
Submitted: 2007-08-11 06:13 UTC Modified: 2007-08-17 19:57 UTC
Avg. Score:5.0 ± 0.0
Reproduced:1 of 1 (100.0%)
Same Version:0 (0.0%)
Same OS:0 (0.0%)
From: steven dot mccoy at miru dot hk Assigned:
Status: Not a bug Package: JSON related
PHP Version: 5.2.4RC1-dev OS: Ubuntu 7.04
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2007-08-11 06:13 UTC] steven dot mccoy at miru dot hk
This might be related to bug 41221, upgrading from PHP 5.1.6-1 (Debian) to 5.2.1 (Ubuntu) created a regression in handling output of JSON decoding.

Does this mean that I can only use arrays ( json_decode($json, true) ), and have to update all code appropriately?

Reproduce code:
$array = array(
                "first" => array(array("second" => 2), "two", "three"),
$json = json_encode($array);
$obj = json_decode($json);

Expected result:
array(1) {
  array(3) {
    array(1) {
    string(3) "two"
    string(5) "three"

Actual result:
Catchable fatal error: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string in /tmp/- on line 7


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 [2007-08-12 06:54 UTC] steven dot mccoy at miru dot hk
Reproduced with the Win32 CVS build:

PHP 5.2.4RC1-dev (cli) (built: Aug 12 2007 00:04:25)
Copyright (c) 1997-2007 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Zend Technologies
 [2007-08-13 21:34 UTC] crrodriguez at suse dot de
Workaround : use array_udiff with a supplied callback function or use only arrays.
 [2007-08-16 11:46 UTC]
See also bug #42303
 [2007-08-16 11:52 UTC]
Here's what I get for the encode:


So actually you have another object inside the first, here's var_dump($obj);

object(stdClass)#1 (1) {
  array(3) {
    object(stdClass)#2 (1) {
    string(3) "two"
    string(5) "three"

And using json_decode($json, true):

array(1) {
  array(3) {
    array(1) {
    string(3) "two"
    string(5) "three"

So what's the bug?
 [2007-08-16 12:11 UTC] steven dot mccoy at miru dot hk
The situation I'm using it in is where the browser sends an array of objects to PHP.  The PHP scripts uses PEAR::DB_DataObject to generate an array of objects inside a database table, I then use array_diff/array_udiff to calculate what is new, what has changed, and what should be deleted.  The array_diff for items that have not changed fails in 5.2 because PHP fails be able to compare some of the stdClass objects.

 $new_products = array_filter($products, array('Order','is_new_product'));
 debug('new_order_products: '.count($new_products).' found');
 $old_products = array_diff($new_products, $products);
 debug('old_order_products: '.count($old_products).' calculated');
 $updated_products = array_udiff($old_products, $current_products, array('Order', 'product_compare'));
 debug('updated_order_products: '.count($updated_products).' found');
 $deleted_products = array_udiff($current_products, $products, array('Order', 'product_compare_by_id'));
 debug('deleted_order_products: '.count($deleted_products).' found');

PEAR::DB_DataObject returns table rows as objects, the PHP JSON module defaults to objects, but can include arrays of objects as shown previously.

As a workaround I rebuilt PHP 5.1.6 from Ubuntu 6.10 on 7.04.  If someone can provide a array_udiff function that can compare objects like before that would be great :-)

If the current circumstances are not clear, I will repeat:  PHP 5.1.6 generates the expected result output as shown, PHP 5.2 does not.
 [2007-08-17 13:27 UTC]
So this has nothing to do with JSON? Please reclassify if that is true and fix the summary to contain what the bug is really about..
 [2007-08-17 14:59 UTC] steven dot mccoy at miru dot hk
Well its either json_decode not making stdClass objects friendly for comparison or array_diff() that broke.  Lets try the latter then.
 [2007-08-17 19:57 UTC]
Okay, so you think array_diff() is broken. As our bug system sucks, can't edit original comment, etc. so please, open new short report about the array_diff issue. (this one is a bit confusing with the json stuff and all) And make sure the new report does not have any references to JSON. :D
 [2010-12-27 08:24 UTC] serg4172 at mail dot ru
This is really json problem. Although I have PHP 5.3.3 I have the same issue.

$params = json_decode($options);

This produce error

Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string

i solved i like this

$params = json_decode(trim(str_replace("\r\n", '\\n', $options)));
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