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Bug #40957 PDO & UTF8 string length & truncate issues
Submitted: 2007-03-30 09:19 UTC Modified: 2016-03-08 01:50 UTC
From: gerald at copix dot org Assigned:
Status: Not a bug Package: PDO OCI
PHP Version: 5.2.1 OS: Linux
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2007-03-30 09:19 UTC] gerald at copix dot org

While configured in UTF8 mode (eg with the connection string allRequiredInfos;charset=UTF8), when we try to get a VARCHAR2 field limited to X chars, PDO is assuming accents (???...) are 2 letters length) and then generates a warning if our content is X chars length (with accents) and truncates the end of the field.

Warning:  PDOStatement::fetchAll() [scriptAdr/function.PDOStatement-fetchAll]: column 0 data was too large for buffer and was truncated to fit it in /scriptPath.class.php on line 73

We tryed to activate mbstring extension, to use func_overload=4 with no success (the database itself is in ISO-8859-1).

If we try not to communicate with the database in UTF8, accents are just ignored (? becomes e, ...) even with correct session parameters.

Reproduce code:
Considering the table 

with one record : 

$pdo = new PDO ('pdo_oci:dbname=



      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = myhost)(PORT = 1521))



      (SID = mysid)


  );charset=UTF8', 'myLogin', 'myPassword');

$stmt = $pdo->doQuery ('select MYFIELD from MYTABLE');
$stmt->fetchAll (); //warning

Expected result:
(array[0]->MYFIELD === '?a') === true;

Actual result:
(array[0]->MYFIELD === '?') === true
(array[0]->MYFIELD === '?a') === true


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 [2007-03-30 09:27 UTC] gerald at copix dot org
I made a mistake writing the actual result, it is obviously : 

(array[0]->MYFIELD === '?') === true
(array[0]->MYFIELD === '?a') === false

Sorry for the typo.
 [2007-04-03 19:01 UTC]
UTF8 requires 2 bytes per character.
Your database can store only 2 bytes (because it's ISO8859), but you're trying to put 4 and receive the expected error.
Not PHP problem.
 [2011-11-04 15:49 UTC] tomasz at trejderowski dot pl
Comment given by seems to be wrong, because:

1. Database store ONE bytes (because it's ISO8859 - ISO is single-byte), but user is trying to put TWO bytes - UTF-8 is two-byte!

2. The very same results occurs, when RETRIEVING data (SELECT).

3. Certainly PHP problem -- the very same SQLs run directly on DB (Oracle in my example) runs without problems, but fails in PDO.
 [2016-03-08 01:50 UTC]
-Package: PDO related +Package: PDO OCI
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