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Bug #3935 Aren't getting all data from a form into the variables
Submitted: 2000-03-27 07:13 UTC Modified: 2002-10-01 14:57 UTC
From: jech at kvl dot dk Assigned:
Status: Wont fix Package: Parser error
PHP Version: 3.0.15 OS: Digital Unix 4
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2000-03-27 07:13 UTC] jech at kvl dot dk
When using forms with a lot of text fields, PHP forgets some of the variables.

Excerpt from the input form:
     printf ("<tr>");
     while (ora_fetch($curs)) {
        $resultrows = $resultrows + 1;
        $tprogram = ora_getcolumn($curs,2);
        $thpage = ora_getcolumn($curs,3);
        printf ("<tr>");
        <input type="hidden" name="tmarker<?echo $i;?>" value="C">
        <input type="checkbox" name="tdelete<?echo $resultrows;?>" value="del">
        <input size=25 name="tprogram<?echo $resultrows;?>" value="<?echo $tprogram;?>">
        <input size=25 name="thpage<?echo $resultrows;?>" value="<?echo $thpage;?>">
        printf ("</tr>");

When filled out with:
tprogramX      thpageX
sdfsdf aa     - ddf
b                - b
c                - c
d                - xpage 

  while (list($var, $value) = each($HTTP_GET_VARS)) {
                                  echo "$var = $value<br>\n";
shows that the last textfield ("xpage") is not stored in a PHP variable (it doesn't matter if I'm using PUT og POST in the form).


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 [2002-10-01 14:57 UTC]
We are sorry, but can not support PHP 3 related problems anymore.
Momentum is gathering for PHP 5, and we think supporting PHP 3 will
lead to a waste of resources which we want to put into getting PHP 5
ready. Ofcourse PHP 4 will will continue to be supported for the
forseeable future.

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