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Bug #38825 including a file is slower than expected
Submitted: 2006-09-14 11:25 UTC Modified: 2007-01-08 01:00 UTC
Avg. Score:4.3 ± 0.9
Reproduced:2 of 2 (100.0%)
Same Version:2 (100.0%)
Same OS:2 (100.0%)
From: mark dot pearson at capita dot co dot uk Assigned:
Status: No Feedback Package: Performance problem
PHP Version: 5.1.6 OS: Windows Server 2003
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2006-09-14 11:25 UTC] mark dot pearson at capita dot co dot uk
Having recently set up a Windows Server 2003 web development server it has been found that file access by way of PHP 'include' is much slower than it should be when compared to other platforms.

A small benchmark script (included) was run on four different platforms (none of them production servers), using both PHP4 and PHP5 as described below:

Microsoft Windows XP
Version 2002
Service Pack 2

Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1600MHz
589 MHz, 512 MB of RAM

PHP versions tested:
4.4.4 and 5.2 2006-09-13 snapshot

Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Enterprise Edition
Service Pack 1

Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 2.80GHz
2.80Ghz, 2.00GB of RAM
Physical Address Extension

PHP versions tested:
4.4.4 and 5.2 2006-09-13 snapshot

Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Standard Edition
Service Pack 1

Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.00GHz
3.00Ghz, 3.50GB of RAM

PHP versions tested:
4.4.4 and 5.1.6

Fedora Core 4
Pentium 3 760MHz
256MB of RAM


The benchmark script was run 6 times on each platform.

Reproduce code:
$tmp = split(" ",microtime());
$start = $tmp[0] + $tmp[1];

for ($i = 0; $i < 5000; $i++){
    include 'emptyfile.php';

$tmp = split(" ",microtime());
$end = $tmp[0] + $tmp[1];

print "Elapsed time: " . ($end - $start) . "\n";

<?php ?>

Expected result:
I would expect the benchmark.php script to run more quickly on both PLATFORM 2 and PLATFORM 3 (both of which are high spec servers running Windows 2003 Server) than on PLATFORM 1 (a Compaq nx7010 laptop running Windows XP Pro) or PLATFORM 4 (a Dell Optiplex GX110 running Fedora Core 4).

Actual result:
The script completed more quickly even on PLATFORM 4 (Pentium 3 730MHz 256MB RAM) than on PLATFORM 2 and 3

The results are included below:

PLATFORM 1 - with no other apps running

PHP 4.3.11
>C:\php4\cli\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 0.87640404701233

>C:\php4\cli\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 0.89498400688171

>C:\php4\cli\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 0.98714590072632

>C:\php4\cli\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 0.92531800270081

>C:\php4\cli\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 0.94181489944458

>C:\php4\cli\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 0.92592406272888

PHP 5.2 (2006-09-13 snapshot)

>C:\php5\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 0.6999979019165

>C:\php5\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 0.61439085006714

>C:\php5\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 0.66567397117615

>C:\php5\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 0.61945104598999

>C:\php5\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 0.64544701576233

>C:\php5\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 0.60436511039734

PLATFORM 2 - With no other apps running

PHP 4.4.4

>D:\php-4.4.4-Win32\cli\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 2.6818718910217

>D:\php-4.4.4-Win32\cli\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 2.6455881595612

>D:\php-4.4.4-Win32\cli\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 2.6652920246124

>D:\php-4.4.4-Win32\cli\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 2.8808929920197

>D:\php-4.4.4-Win32\cli\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 2.7031700611115

>D:\php-4.4.4-Win32\cli\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 2.6331689357758

PHP 5.2 (2006-09-13 snapshot)

>D:\PHP\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 1.5149850845337

>D:\PHP\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 1.5081758499146

>D:\PHP\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 1.5118081569672

>D:\PHP\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 1.5036170482635

>D:\PHP\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 1.500696182251

>D:\PHP\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 1.5246729850769

PLATFORM 3 - With no other apps running

PHP 5.1.6

>C:\PHP\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 0.79046392440796

>C:\PHP\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 0.79226303100586

>C:\PHP\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 0.78908896446228

>C:\PHP\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 0.79035115242004

>C:\PHP\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 0.78956294059753

>C:\PHP\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 0.78894019126892

PHP 4.4.4

>D:\php-4.4.4-Win32\cli\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 1.2411949634552

>D:\php-4.4.4-Win32\cli\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 1.2386450767517

>D:\php-4.4.4-Win32\cli\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 1.2364308834076

>D:\php-4.4.4-Win32\cli\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 1.23734998703

>D:\php-4.4.4-Win32\cli\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 1.2394840717316

>D:\php-4.4.4-Win32\cli\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 1.2390379905701

PLATFORM 4 - with no other apps running

PHP 4.3.11 (cli) (built: Nov 15 2005 12:17:31)

$ php -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 0.54825496673584

$ php -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 0.51459383964539

$ php -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 0.51424598693848

$ php -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 0.54676699638367

$ php -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 0.54855012893677

$ php -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 0.51129794120789


Pull Requests


AllCommentsChangesGit/SVN commitsRelated reports
 [2006-10-18 14:18 UTC]
The include process is identical on all Win32 systems, any 
slowdowns are likely to be related to either the drive speed 
or the OS internals.

That said one of the reasons you are getting such bad 
numbers is because you are using a partial path PHP needs to 
resolve first. This compounded with ZTS mode makes things 
very slow, change the include statement to use full paths 
and you'll see much improved performance, not to mention 
much more consistent numbers.
 [2006-11-08 14:59 UTC] mark dot pearson at capita dot co dot uk
I changed the path in my benchmark script to say both:

include './emptyfile.php';


include 'C:/www/php5tests/emptyfile.php';

and it made no difference whatsoever to the performance of the script, contrary to what was suggested.
 [2006-11-13 15:15 UTC]
Please try using this CVS snapshot:
For Windows:

 [2006-11-21 01:00 UTC] php-bugs at lists dot php dot net
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a week, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".
 [2006-11-27 13:14 UTC] mark dot pearson at capita dot co dot uk
Running the benchmark script again on Platform 2 (Windows Server 2003 Xeon 2.80GHz processor) and the latest PHP5.2 snapshot gives the following results:

D:\www\php5tests>D:\php5.2\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 1.3624229431152

D:\www\php5tests>D:\php5.2\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 1.338228225708

D:\www\php5tests>D:\php5.2\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 1.3370630741119

D:\www\php5tests>D:\php5.2\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 1.3375468254089

D:\www\php5tests>D:\php5.2\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 1.3394939899445

D:\www\php5tests>D:\php5.2\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 1.3721809387207

D:\www\php5tests>D:\php5.2\php.exe -n benchmark.php
Elapsed time: 1.3796901702881

This still seems slow given that the same benchmark script gives an average execution time of 0.52 seconds on Platform 1 (Windows XP laptop) with the same PHP5.2 snapshot.
 [2006-12-31 21:05 UTC]
Please try using this CVS snapshot:
For Windows:

There are a few more Win32 related patches in the code now 
that should improve the speed of the file system operations. 
Can you give the latest code a try.
 [2007-01-08 01:00 UTC] php-bugs at lists dot php dot net
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a week, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".
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All rights reserved.
Last updated: Fri Nov 22 16:01:30 2024 UTC