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Bug #3863 The Rename function don't work
Submitted: 2000-03-17 21:57 UTC Modified: 2005-03-31 16:13 UTC
Avg. Score:3.5 ± 0.5
Reproduced:1 of 1 (100.0%)
Same Version:0 (0.0%)
Same OS:0 (0.0%)
From: dolezal at comp dot cz Assigned:
Status: Wont fix Package: Other
PHP Version: 3.0.15 OS: Windowd 98 CZ
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2000-03-17 21:57 UTC] dolezal at comp dot cz
Rename() function always return unknown error and don't rename file. Function Copy and Unlik is OK.


; Language Options

engine = On				; enable PHP 3.0 parser
short_open_tag = On	; allow the <? tag.  otherwise, only <?php and <script> tags are recognized.
asp_tags = Off			; allow ASP-style <% %> tags
precision = 14			; number of significant digits displayed in floating point numbers
y2k_compliance = Off	; whether to be year 2000 compliant (will cause problems with non y2k compliant browsers)

; Safe Mode

safe_mode = Off
safe_mode_exec_dir =
safe_mode_allowed_env_vars = PHP_					; Setting certain environment variables
safe_mode_protected_env_vars = LD_LIBRARY_PATH	; This directive contains a comma-

; Colors for Syntax Highlighting mode
highlight.string	=	#DD0000
highlight.comment	=	#FF8000
highlight.keyword	=	#007700		=	#FFFFFF
highlight.default	=	#0000BB
highlight.html		=	#000000

expose_php = On	; Decides whether PHP may expose the fact that it is installed on the
						; server (e.g., by adding its signature to the Web server header).
						; It is no security threat in any way, but it makes it possible
						; to determine whether you use PHP on your server or not.

; charset = iso-8859-1	; This sets the charset for the default text/html type served up by PHP

; Resource Limits

max_execution_time = 30		; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
memory_limit = 1048576		; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (8MB)

; Error handling and logging

; error_reporting is a bit-field.  Add each number up to get desired error reporting level
;  1 = Normal errors
;  2 = Normal warnings
;  4 = Parser errors
;  8 = Notices - warnings you can ignore, but sometimes imply a bug (e.g., using an uninitialized variable)

error_reporting = 15
display_errors = On							; Print out errors (as a part of the HTML script)
log_errors = On								; Log errors into a log file (server-specific log, stderr, or error_log (below))
track_errors = Off							; Store the last error/warning message in $php_errormsg (boolean)
;error_prepend_string = "<font color=ff0000>"	; string to output before an error message
;error_append_string = "</font>"						; string to output after an error message
error_log = "d:\develop\php\err.log"	; log errors to specified file
;error_log = syslog							; log errors to syslog (Event Log on NT, not valid in Windows 95)
warn_plus_overloading = Off				; warn if the + operator is used with strings

; Data Handling

magic_quotes_gpc = On		; magic quotes for incoming GET/POST/Cookie data
magic_quotes_runtime = Off	; magic quotes for runtime-generated data, e.g. data from SQL, from exec(), etc.
magic_quotes_sybase = Off	; Use Sybase-style magic quotes (escape ' with '' instead of \')
track_vars = On				; enable $HTTP_GET_VARS[], $HTTP_POST_VARS[] and $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[] arrays

; automatically add files before or after any PHP 3.0 document
auto_prepend_file =
auto_append_file =

; Paths and Directories
include_path =								; UNIX: "/path1:/path2"  Windows: "\path1;\path2"
doc_root	=									; the root of the php pages, used only if nonempty
user_dir	=									; the directory under which php opens the script using /~username, used only if nonempty
upload_tmp_dir = "c:\Windows\Temp"	; temporary directory for HTTP uploaded files (will use system default if not specified)
upload_max_filesize = 2097152			; 2 Meg default limit on file uploads
extension_dir = "d:\Develop\Php"		; directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside

;Windows Extensions

; Module Settings

define_syslog_variables = Off
	; Whether or not to define the various syslog variables,
	; e.g. $LOG_PID, $LOG_CRON, etc.  Turning it off is a
	; good idea performance-wise.  In runtime, you can define
	; these variables by calling define_syslog_variables()

[mail function]
SMTP = localhost						; for win32 only
sendmail_from =	; for win32 only
sendmail_path =						; for unix only, may supply arguments as well (default is sendmail -t)

[Debugger] = localhost
debugger.port = 7869
debugger.enabled = False

	; These configuration directives are used by the example logging mechanism.
	; See examples/README.logging for more explanation.
;logging.method = db
; = /path/to/log/directory

sql.safe_mode = Off

;uodbc.default_db		=	Not yet implemented
;uodbc.default_user		=	Not yet implemented
;uodbc.default_pw		=	Not yet implemented
uodbc.allow_persistent	=	On	; allow or prevent persistent links
uodbc.max_persistent	=	-1	; maximum number of persistent links. -1 means no limit
uodbc.max_links			=	-1	; maximum number of links (persistent+non persistent). -1 means no limit
uodbc.defaultlrl	=	4096	; Handling of LONG fields. Returns number of bytes to variables, 0 means passthru
uodbc.defaultbinmode	= 	1	; Handling of binary data. 0 means passthru, 1 return as is, 2 convert to char
; See the documentation on odbc_binmode and odbc_longreadlen for an explanation of uodbc.defaultlrl
; and uodbc.defaultbinmode

mysql.allow_persistent	=	On	; allow or prevent persistent link
mysql.max_persistent	=	-1	; maximum number of persistent links. -1 means no limit
mysql.max_links			=	-1	; maximum number of links (persistent+non persistent).  -1 means no limit
mysql.default_port		=		; default port number for mysql_connect().  If unset,
								; mysql_connect() will use the $MYSQL_TCP_PORT, or the mysql-tcp
								; entry in /etc/services, or the compile-time defined MYSQL_PORT
								; (in that order).  Win32 will only look at MYSQL_PORT.
mysql.default_host		=		; default host for mysql_connect() (doesn't apply in safe mode)
mysql.default_user		=		; default user for mysql_connect() (doesn't apply in safe mode)
mysql.default_password	=		; default password for mysql_connect() (doesn't apply in safe mode)
								; Note that this is generally a *bad* idea to store passwords
								; in this file.  *Any* user with PHP access can run
								; 'echo cfg_get_var("mysql.default_password")' and reveal that
								; password!  And of course, any users with read access to this
								; file will be able to reveal the password as well.

msql.allow_persistent	=	On	; allow or prevent persistent link
msql.max_persistent		=	-1	; maximum number of persistent links. -1 means no limit
msql.max_links			=	-1	; maximum number of links (persistent+non persistent).  -1 means no limit

pgsql.allow_persistent	=	On	; allow or prevent persistent link
pgsql.max_persistent	=	-1	; maximum number of persistent links. -1 means no limit
pgsql.max_links			=	-1	; maximum number of links (persistent+non persistent).  -1 means no limit

sybase.allow_persistent	=	On	; allow or prevent persistent link
sybase.max_persistent	=	-1	; maximum number of persistent links. -1 means no limit
sybase.max_links		=	-1	; maximum number of links (persistent+non persistent).  -1 means no limit
;sybase.interface_file	=	"/usr/sybase/interfaces"
sybase.min_error_severity	=	10	; minimum error severity to display
sybase.min_message_severity	=	10	; minimum message severity to display
sybase.compatability_mode	= Off	; compatability mode with earlier versions of PHP 3.0.
									; If on, this will cause PHP to automatically assign types to results
									; according to their Sybase type, instead of treating them all as
									; strings.  This compatability mode will probably not stay around
									; forever, so try applying whatever necessary changes to your code,
									; and turn it off.

sybct.allow_persistent	=	On		; allow or prevent persistent link
sybct.max_persistent	=	-1		; maximum number of persistent links. -1 means no limit
sybct.max_links			=	-1		; maximum number of links (persistent+non persistent).  -1 means no limit
sybct.min_server_severity	=	10	; minimum server message severity to display
sybct.min_client_severity	=	10	; minimum client message severity to display

bcmath.scale	=	0	; number of decimal digits for all bcmath functions

;browscap	=	extra/browscap.ini

;ps.default_encoding	=	"/etc/t1lib/enc/IsoLatin1.enc"	; default character encoding vector for PostScript Type1 fonts

ifx.default_host		=		; default host for ifx_connect() (doesn't apply in safe mode)
ifx.default_user		=		; default user for ifx_connect() (doesn't apply in safe mode)
ifx.default_password		=		; default password for ifx_connect() (doesn't apply in safe mode)
ifx.allow_persistent		=	On	; allow or prevent persistent link
ifx.max_persistent		=	-1	; maximum number of persistent links. -1 means no limit
ifx.max_links			=	-1	; maximum number of links (persistent+non persistent).  -1 means no limit
ifx.textasvarchar		=	0	; if set on, select statements return the contents of a text blob instead of it's id
ifx.byteasvarchar		=	0	; if set on, select statements return the contents of a byte blob instead of it's id
ifx.charasvarchar		=	0	; trailing blanks are stripped from fixed-length char columns. May help the life
						; of Informix SE users. 
ifx.blobinfile			=	0	; if set on, the contents of text&byte blobs are dumped to a file instead of
						; keeping them in memory
ifx.nullformat			=	0	; NULL's are returned as empty strings, unless this is set to 1. In that case,
						; NULL's are returned as string 'NULL'.


PHP Info:

X-Powered-By: PHP/3.0.15
Content-type: text/html

<center><h1>PHP Version 3.0.15</h1></center>
by <a href="">Rasmus Lerdorf</a>,
<a href="">Andi Gutmans</a>,
<a href="">Zeev Suraski</a>,
<a href="">Stig Bakken</a>,
<a href="">Shane Caraveo</a>,
<a href="">Jim Winstead</a>, and countless others.<P>
<hr><center>System: Windows 95/98 4.10<br>Build Date: Feb 25 2000</center>
<table border=5 width="600">
<tr><th bgcolor="#00DDDD">Extensions</th><th bgcolor="#00DDDD">Additional Information</th></tr>
<tr><th align=left bgcolor="#999999">MySQL</th><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD"><table cellpadding=5><tr><td>Allow persistent links:</td><td>Yes</td></tr>
<tr><td>Persistent links:</td><td>0/Unlimited</td></tr>
<tr><td>Total links:</td><td>0/Unlimited</td></tr>
<tr><td>Client API version:</td><td>3.22.9-beta</td></tr>
<tr><th align=left bgcolor="#999999">gd</th><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">, FreeType support</td></tr>
<tr><th align=left bgcolor="#999999">DBM</th><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">Sleepycat Software: DB 2.4.14: (6/2/98)ndbm support enabled</td></tr>
<tr><th align=left bgcolor="#999999">sflCrypt</th><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">No additional information.</td></tr>
<tr><th align=left bgcolor="#999999">Basic Functions</th><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">No additional information.</td></tr>
<tr><th align=left bgcolor="#999999">PHP_DL</th><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">Dynamic Library support enabled.
<tr><th align=left bgcolor="#999999">PHP_dir</th><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">No additional information.</td></tr>
<tr><th align=left bgcolor="#999999">PHP_filestat</th><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">No additional information.</td></tr>
<tr><th align=left bgcolor="#999999">PHP_file</th><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">No additional information.</td></tr>
<tr><th align=left bgcolor="#999999">PHP_head</th><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">No additional information.</td></tr>
<tr><th align=left bgcolor="#999999">Sendmail</th><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">Internal Sendmail support for Windows 4</td></tr>
<tr><th align=left bgcolor="#999999">Debugger</th><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">No additional information.</td></tr>
<tr><th align=left bgcolor="#999999">Syslog</th><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">No additional information.</td></tr>
<tr><th align=left bgcolor="#999999">ODBC/odbc</th><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">Unified ODBC Support active (compiled with win32 ODBC)<BR>allow_persistent: 1<br>
max_persistent: -1<br>
max_links: -1<br>
<tr><th align=left bgcolor="#999999">Socket functions</th><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">No additional information.</td></tr>
<tr><th align=left bgcolor="#999999">Regular Expressions</th><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">Bundled regex library enabled
<tr><th align=left bgcolor="#999999">bcmath</th><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">No additional information.</td></tr>
<tr><th align=left bgcolor="#999999">browscap</th><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">No additional information.</td></tr>
<tr><th align=left bgcolor="#999999">PHP_pack</th><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">No additional information.</td></tr>
<tr><th align=left bgcolor="#999999">Win32 COM</th><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">No additional information.</td></tr>
<tr><th align=left bgcolor="#999999">LCG</th><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">No additional information.</td></tr>
php3.ini file path is set to: php3.ini<br>
<table border=5 width="600">
<tr><th bgcolor="#00DDDD">Directive</th><th bgcolor="#00DDDD">Master Value</th><th bgcolor="#00DDDD">Local Value</th></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">arg_separator</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;&</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;&</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">asp_tags</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">0</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">0</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">auto_prepend_file</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">auto_append_file</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">browscap</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;<i>none</i></td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;<i>none</i></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">cgi_ext</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;<i>none</i></td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;<i>none</i></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999"></td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;<i>none</i></td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;<i>none</i></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">debugger.port</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">0</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">0</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">define_syslog_variables</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">0</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">0</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">display_errors</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">1</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">1</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">doc_root</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">enable_dl</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">1</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">1</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">engine</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">1</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">1</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">error_log</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;d:\develop\php\err.log</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;d:\develop\php\err.log</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">error_append_string</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;<i>none</i></td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;<i>none</i></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">error_prepend_string</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;<i>none</i></td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;<i>none</i></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">error_reporting</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">15</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">15</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">extension_dir</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;d:\Develop\Php</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;d:\Develop\Php</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">gpc_order</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;GPC</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;GPC</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">ignore_user_abort</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">0</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">0</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">include_path</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">isapi_ext</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;<i>none</i></td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;<i>none</i></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">last_modified</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">0</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">0</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">log_errors</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">1</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">1</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">max execution time</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">30</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">30</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">magic_quotes_gpc</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">1</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">1</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">magic_quotes_runtime</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">0</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">0</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">magic_quotes_sybase</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">0</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">0</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">memory limit</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">1048576</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">1048576</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">nsapi_ext</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;<i>none</i></td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;<i>none</i></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">open_basedir</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;<i>none</i></td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;<i>none</i></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">precision</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">14</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">14</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">safe_mode</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">0</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">0</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">safe_mode_exec_dir</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">sendmail_from</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">sendmail_path</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;<i>none</i></td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;<i>none</i></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">short_open_tag</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">1</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">1</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">smtp</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;localhost</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;localhost</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">sql_safe_mode</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">0</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">0</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">track_errors</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">0</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">0</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">track_vars</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">1</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">1</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">upload_max_filesize</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">2097152</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">2097152</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">upload_tmp_dir</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;c:\Windows\Temp</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;c:\Windows\Temp</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">user_dir</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">warn_plus_overloading</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">0</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">0</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">xbithack</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">0</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">0</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">browscap</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;<i>none</i></td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">&nbsp;<i>none</i></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">y2k_compliance</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">0</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">0</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">highlight_comment</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD"><font color=#FF8000>&nbsp;#FF8000</font></td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD"><font color=#FF8000>&nbsp;#FF8000</font></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">highlight_default</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD"><font color=#0000BB>&nbsp;#0000BB</font></td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD"><font color=#0000BB>&nbsp;#0000BB</font></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">highlight_html</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD"><font color=#000000>&nbsp;#000000</font></td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD"><font color=#000000>&nbsp;#000000</font></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">highlight_string</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD"><font color=#DD0000>&nbsp;#DD0000</font></td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD"><font color=#DD0000>&nbsp;#DD0000</font></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">highlight_bg</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD"><font color=#FFFFFF>&nbsp;#FFFFFF</font></td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD"><font color=#FFFFFF>&nbsp;#FFFFFF</font></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">highlight_keyword</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD"><font color=#007700>&nbsp;#007700</font></td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD"><font color=#007700>&nbsp;#007700</font></td></tr>
<table border=5 width="600">
<tr><th bgcolor="#00DDDD">Variable</th><th bgcolor="#00DDDD">Value</th></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">PROMPT</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">$p$g</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">winbootdir</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">C:\WINDOWS</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">COMSPEC</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">C:\COMMAND.COM</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">TEMP</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">C:\WINDOWS\TEMP</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">TMP</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">C:\WINDOWS\TEMP</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">MIDI</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">SYNTH:1 MAP:E MODE:0</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">SOUND</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">D:\HUDBA\CREATIVE</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">windir</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">C:\WINDOWS</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">BLASTER</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">A220 I5 D1 H5 P330 T6 E620</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">CMDLINE</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD">D:\Develop\Php\php.exe E:\TEMP\INFO~1.PHP </td></tr>
<hr><h2>PHP Variables</h2>
<table border=5 width="600">
<tr><th bgcolor="#00DDDD">Variable</th><th bgcolor="#00DDDD">Value</th></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#999999">PHP_SELF</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD"></td></tr>
</center><hr><h2>PHP License</h2>
<PRE>This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of:

A) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
   Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
   any later version.

B) the PHP License as published by the PHP Development Team and
   included in the distribution in the file: LICENSE

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of both licenses referred to here.
If you did not, or have any questions about PHP licensing, please




Pull Requests


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 [2005-03-31 16:13 UTC] php-bugs at lists dot php dot net
We are sorry, but we do not support PHP 3 related problems anymore.
PHP Copyright © 2001-2024 The PHP Group
All rights reserved.
Last updated: Tue Oct 22 15:01:29 2024 UTC