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Request #34622 Add image functions to support editing/creating "comments"
Submitted: 2005-09-24 02:21 UTC Modified: 2022-07-11 13:20 UTC
Avg. Score:3.1 ± 1.1
Reproduced:2 of 2 (100.0%)
Same Version:2 (100.0%)
Same OS:1 (50.0%)
From: smc+phpbugs at dogphilosophy dot net Assigned:
Status: Suspended Package: *Graphics related
PHP Version: Next Minor Version OS: Linux
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2005-09-24 02:21 UTC] smc+phpbugs at dogphilosophy dot net
Perhaps more of a "Bundled GD" issue that an PHP issue 
directly - I'd love to have support for reading and 
writing "comments" from images (TEXT records in PNG, 
comments in JPEG).  EXIF support only covers reading 
information, not creating or editing records for images. 
Either ability to read and write 
"comments" (imagewritepngtext($image)?  
imagewritejpegcomment($image)?) or even just ability to 
create and write EXIF data in the EXIF functions would be 

Reproduce code:

Expected result:
Ability to generate (for example) geotag information 
for .jpeg images, or for PNG-format map images generated 
in PHP. 

Actual result:
(N/A - feature request for new functions) 


Pull Requests


AllCommentsChangesGit/SVN commitsRelated reports
 [2016-12-30 23:09 UTC]
-Package: Feature/Change Request +Package: EXIF related
 [2019-10-18 11:44 UTC]
-Operating System: Linux (any) +Operating System: Linux -PHP Version: 5.1.0RC1 +PHP Version: Next Minor Version -Assigned To: +Assigned To: kalle
 [2019-10-18 11:44 UTC]
Assigning to kalle for review as he's the EXIF maintainer.
 [2022-07-10 06:27 UTC]
-Status: Assigned +Status: Open -Assigned To: kalle +Assigned To:
 [2022-07-11 13:20 UTC]
-Status: Open +Status: Suspended -Package: EXIF related +Package: *Graphics related
 [2022-07-11 13:20 UTC]
libgd has still no support for image meta data whatsoever, so
adding this functionality to the GD extension doesn't make sense.
Instead this should be added upstream[1] first, and then we could
add wrappers for that.

Adding write support for EXIF might make sense, but it is
certainly a lot of work, and I'm not convinced that this isn't
better be done in userland, and apparently there are some packages
already available[2].  But frankly, I'm not even sure that this
feature request is about EXIF; there are several competing and
partially overlapping "standards" for adding meta information to

Anyhow, if anybody is still interested in this, please pursue the
RFC process[3].  For the time being, I'm suspending this ticket.

[1] <>
[2] <>
[3] <>
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Last updated: Tue Jan 21 20:01:31 2025 UTC