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Request #343 magic quotes too hyperactive
Submitted: 1998-05-03 23:46 UTC Modified: 1998-05-04 14:21 UTC
From: whit at transpect dot com Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: Feature/Change Request
PHP Version: 3.0 Release Candidate 4 OS: Redhat 5.0
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [1998-05-03 23:46 UTC] whit at transpect dot com
The magic quotes feature now adds them where it didn't 
before, for instance when reading lines in from a flatfile 
and parsing each as an array, the array members end up
'magic quoted.' This wasn't a behavior of php2 with magic 
quotes enabled. Kind of a nuisance to have to stripslashes() 
not only on the way into the flat file from a form, but on 
the way back out to display it.


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 [1998-05-04 14:21 UTC] jim
There are now two different configuration settings
to control the magic quotes behavior --

magic_quotes_gpc controls whether data received via
GET. POST. and Cookie variables get escaped (which
you may want if you usually shove this data into an
SQL database).

magic_quotes_runtime controls whether data received
via other mechanisms (such as the file() function)
gets escaped.

It sounds like you want to turn magic_quotes_runtime
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