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Bug #30852 socket_select() fails when managing large numbers of sockets
Submitted: 2004-11-21 00:44 UTC Modified: 2004-11-21 22:21 UTC
Avg. Score:4.0 ± 0.0
Reproduced:1 of 1 (100.0%)
Same Version:1 (100.0%)
Same OS:1 (100.0%)
From: jed at jed dot bz Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: Sockets related
PHP Version: 5.0.2 OS: Windows XP SP2
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2004-11-21 00:44 UTC] jed at jed dot bz
Posted to php.general. Posted here on behalf of original bug discoverer, as I wrote a large test case for it.

PHP 5.0.2 CLI
Windows XP SP 2 with DEP excepted for PHP-CLI
  (DEP *was* a problem early, but I excepted it for php.exe)

socket_select() will fail when managing a large number of sockets. The sockets extension itself can manage a bunch, but when socket_select() is attempted with a 'read' array larger than exactly 64 sockets, it prints out the following message and dies:

Warning: socket_select(): unable to select [0]: An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket.                                                   

PHP's problem? My problem? A print_r of the array before feeding it to socket_select shows this:

    [1] => Resource id #4
    [2] => Resource id #5
    [3] => Resource id #6
    [64] => Resource id #67
    [65] => Resource id #68

Valid resources, I'd assume. Zero-basing the array causes the same problem. If there are more than exactly 64 sockets in the array fed to socket_select for the read parameter socket_select() will fail.

Due to lack of time I'll only submit the test case for read, but write and except might be prone to the same problem. Let's tackle one at a time.

Latest CVS was unusable as the sockets extension currently doesn't link correctly (numerous PHP startup warnings were encountered when starting php just for php -v)... The snaps I used to obtain this result were

    5.0.x-dev 200411201730 ("5.0.3-dev")
    5.1.x-dev 200411201930

Might have been misconfiguration on my end, because 5.0.x popped up a box reporting a mismatch between extensions even after I changed extension_dir to the snapshot package's extensions.

Reproduce code:
The Server

The Load Client

When executing, make sure $max_connections in the server is exactly equal to $connections in the load tester (or, if you prefer, make it one under, and telnet in to the server to make the last one).

Expected result:
connecting #65 of 65 ... ok
waiting for spew         

Actual result:
    [63] => Resource id #67                                                     
    [64] => Resource id #68                                                     
Warning: socket_select(): unable to select [0]: An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket.                                                   
 in F:\Projects\HCJ\load.php on line 39                                         


This appeared in my debugger output while I was messing with getting a backtrace (possible in VS?). Interest you?

First-chance exception at 0x7c81eb33 in php.exe: 0x000006A6: The binding handle is invalid.


I can't recompile with debug symbols at this point, I'm unfortunately pressed for time. Perhaps someone can run it through VS and see what comes up.


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 [2004-11-21 14:52 UTC]
Please try using this CVS snapshot:
For Windows:

Windows can only select(), by default, a maximum of 64 handles at one time.

5.0.3 changes this limit to 256 in the Streams subsystem; you can try this yourself with a stable snapshot and using the native functions stream_socket_client(), stream_socket_server() and stream_select().

I would expect this change to also work with the sockets extension.  It builds ok here with 5.0.3, so it sounds like you do indeed have a configuration issue.

Short version: try a 5.0.3 snapshot, it should behave better
 [2004-11-21 22:21 UTC] jed at jed dot bz
Thumbs up, Wez.

-#include <winsock2.h>
+#define FD_SETSIZE 512
+#include <winsock2.h>

Too bad that can't be turned into a php.ini option for the Sockets extension...
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