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Bug #30815 odbc.max_links option not interpreted
Submitted: 2004-11-17 17:07 UTC Modified: 2005-01-29 01:00 UTC
From: nicolas dot karageuzian at clubmed dot com Assigned:
Status: No Feedback Package: ODBC related
PHP Version: 4.3.9 OS: AIX 4.3.3, Solaris 8
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2004-11-17 17:07 UTC] nicolas dot karageuzian at clubmed dot com
I experienced the same problem using PHP 4.3.3 on AIX 4.3.3 or Solaris 8.
In every case, i'm connecting to an DB2/zOS database.
I'm not using --with-ibm-db2 but the unixODBC driver over the CLI interface.
When i run a loadTest, i can see on my SGBD more connexions from the httpdaemon/phpdbuser than allowed in php.ini.
(i've set odbc.max_links = 5 in php.ini, but i can see up to 10 connexion threads on SGBD).
Is there any patch or config i missed to correct this ?
I noticed the following as well, it could be linked to my problem :
the "Active Persistent Links" and "Active Links" sections from phpinfo() always displays 0, in any case.


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 [2004-11-17 17:44 UTC] nicolas dot karageuzian at clubmed dot com
I experienced the same problem using PHP 4.3.3 on AIX 4.3.3 or Solaris 8.
In every case, i'm connecting to a DB2v7.2/zOS database.
I'm not using --with-ibm-db2 but the unixODBC (2.2.10) driver over the CLI interface.
When i run a loadTest, i can see on my SGBD more connexions from the httpdaemon/phpdbuser than allowed in php.ini.
(i've set odbc.max_links = 5 in php.ini, but i can see up to 10 connexion threads on SGBD).
Is there any patch or config i missed to correct this ?
I noticed the following as well, it could be linked to my problem :
the "Active Persistent Links" and "Active Links" values in ODBC section (from phpinfo) always displays 0, in any case.
 [2005-01-29 01:00 UTC] php-bugs at lists dot php dot net
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a week, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".
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Last updated: Wed Jan 22 12:01:31 2025 UTC