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Bug #28990 Request: add individual links to user contributed notes
Submitted: 2004-07-02 10:53 UTC Modified: 2005-09-19 14:22 UTC
From: gavan at spamcop dot net Assigned:
Status: Wont fix Package: Website problem
PHP Version: Irrelevant OS: Irrelevant
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2004-07-02 10:53 UTC] gavan at spamcop dot net
I am new to PHP and gathering some great ideas. In keep 
track of who's idea I am clipping I have been 
looking for a suitable, ie., specific, URL.

Looking into the site html I find this pattern, eg.,
    <a name="39492"></a>
    <div class="note">
    <strong>xxx at  dot BANSPAM dot yyyyyy dot zzz
    </strong><br />
    30-Jan-2004 09:28
    <div class="text"> ... </div>

which can be crafted into a specific URL, 


May I suggest the web site pages include this link 
format as part of the header for each contribution. 
All the information is present, just needs to be 
    <a href="...#nnnn" ...>[text|<img ...icon?...>]</a>

Thanks for lookiung into it. 

Expected result:
Easier to keep track of and acknowledge others' 


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 [2004-07-02 14:29 UTC]
We have added the anchors into the HTML so others can link into it. But since we are doing editing on the notes (ie. we edit and/or remove notes from time to time), we cannot guarantee that the link is going to be parmanent (AKA permalink). IMHO this is why we are not putting up the links, to not have broken ones.
 [2004-07-03 05:43 UTC] gavan at spamcop dot net
Thank you for the feedback.

I agree permalink (tm) is good and would like to achieve 
something like that in my own notes as well. So I think 
my feature request needs to look more like:

1. contributed notes are archived, and keep the 
reference number currently shown in the html "anchor";

2. the link to an individual contribution be cast more 
along the lines of:


3. when such a link is requested the server outputs the 
page so the relevant user contibution is on view, either 
within the normal page if the contribution is still 
"live", or tacked on at the bottom with a note, eg., 
"This contribution was archived at <?$arch_date?>".

I think this addresses the problem of link-rot at all 
levels, but is obviously more work, and implies the 
longer term archiving of contributions. This last 
consequence can't be all bad and, for all I know, may 
already be happening.
 [2004-07-03 12:47 UTC]
We have regular backup copies of all databases, but we have no intention to archive user notes. We remove them actually because some of them are silly, and does not belong into the manual. So what we remove it either because it does not belong there, or the information was integrated to the manual page. This is why it is better to link to the manual page IMHO.
 [2005-09-19 14:22 UTC]
No links will be added. Use the manual page as your link..

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