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Doc Bug #27523 Class constants don't work as class function parameter defaults
Submitted: 2004-03-07 22:29 UTC Modified: 2004-04-19 17:10 UTC
Avg. Score:3.0 ± 0.0
Reproduced:1 of 1 (100.0%)
Same Version:0 (0.0%)
Same OS:0 (0.0%)
From: random at sinfusion dot com Assigned:
Status: Wont fix Package: Documentation problem
PHP Version: 5.0.0b4 (beta4) OS: Windows 2000
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2004-03-07 22:29 UTC] random at sinfusion dot com
Constants declared within a class are not recognized as such when used as function parameter default values for functions within the class.

Reproduce code:
class TestConstants

    const CONST_1 = 1;

    function test ($param = CONST_1)
        echo $param;

$test = new TestConstants();


Expected result:

Actual result:
Notice: Use of undefined constant CONST_1 - assumed 'CONST_1' in f:\dev\Web\\test\testconstants.class.php on line 8


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 [2004-03-08 11:28 UTC] wevegotafileonyou at hotmail dot com
You need to prepend the classname to the constant name (or use 'self') eg:


 [2004-03-08 12:09 UTC] random at sinfusion dot com
Okay, that sounds like a workaround, but you don't have to do that in the body of the class function.  Why should you have to do it differently here?
 [2004-03-09 08:45 UTC]
Because you have to.

 [2004-03-09 12:07 UTC] random at sinfusion dot com
Then I would reclassify this as a documentation issue.
 [2004-04-19 17:09 UTC]
I wouldn't fix anything for this bug report, althought classes and OO need a huge rewrite because of PHP 5.
 [2004-04-19 17:10 UTC]
I wouldn't fix anything for this bug report, althought classes and OO need a huge rewrite because of PHP 5.
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