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Bug #27336 inconsistency of unserializing references
Submitted: 2004-02-20 16:22 UTC Modified: 2004-02-21 11:55 UTC
Avg. Score:5.0 ± 0.0
Reproduced:3 of 3 (100.0%)
Same Version:1 (33.3%)
Same OS:1 (33.3%)
From: hawcue at yahoo dot com Assigned:
Status: Wont fix Package: Class/Object related
PHP Version: 4.3.4 OS: Windows XP
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2004-02-20 16:22 UTC] hawcue at yahoo dot com
Please read the codes first.

The actual output shows two copies of $parentNode are 
generated by unserialize(). However, this is not
what I expect because I am using reference and
$newParent->child->parent and $newParent should
refer to the same storage if serialize/unserialize
works correctly. 

The problem can be partially solved by using 
the following line to do serialize:

$str = serialize(&$parentNode); // an ampersand is used

This will generate a compiling warning (depreciation
of using ampersand in function parameters).

Reproduce code:
class Node {
  var $value;
  var $child;
  var $parent;
  function Node($value) {
    $this->value = $value;
  function setParent(&$parent) {
    $this->parent = &$parent;
  function setChild(&$child) {
    $this->child = &$child;

$parentNode = new Node('parent');
$childNode = new Node('child');

$str = serialize($parentNode);
$newParent = unserialize($str);
$newParent->value = 'new parent';
echo $newParent->child->parent->value;
echo $newParent->value;

Expected result:
new parent
new parent

Actual result:
new parent


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 [2004-02-21 03:12 UTC]
Don't mess with references and serializing. That doesn't work and it won't work.

 [2004-02-21 11:55 UTC] hawcue at yahoo dot com
I believe this is a bug. It is related with 
how PHP determines recursion levels. From
what we have observed, I think PHP determines
the recursion level by comparing the physical
addresses of two references. This is why
serialize(&$parentNode) works as expected
because the address is passed in.
 [2004-10-05 10:34 UTC] jan at bestbytes dot de

// this example is for php 4

class Node {
  var $value;
  var $child;
  var $parent;
  var $load;
  var $__destroyed = false;
  function Node($value) 
    $this->value = $value;
    global $load;
    $this->load = $load;
  function setParent(&$parent)
    $this->parent = &$parent;
  function setChild(&$child)
    $this->child = &$child;
  * @return void
  * @desc fake __destroy from a php 4 point of view
  function __destroy()
    $props = get_object_vars($this);
    foreach($props as $propName => $propValue) {
      if(is_object($this->$propName)) {
        if(method_exists($this->$propName, '__destroy') AND $this->$propName->__destroyed !== false) {
      if(isset($this->$propName)) {
header('Content-type: text/plain');

// small load to check the serialized string
$loadSize = 4;

// big load to check leaking
//$loadSize = 32 * 1024;

$load     = str_repeat('.', $loadSize);

for($i = 0;$i<10;$i++) {
  echo '-------------------- '.(memory_get_usage()/1024).' -------------------------'.chr(10);
  $serMe = array();
  $serMe['parent'] =& new Node('parent');
  $serMe['child']  =& new Node('child');
   * this will work too !!
   *   $serMe['parent'] = new Node('parent');
   *   $serMe['child']  = new Node('child');

  $str = serialize($serMe);
   * 1.Problem:
   * You have 2 or more objects with circular references to one another.
   * Serializing these objects will result in unexpected behaviour when
   * unserializing them:
   * Former references will become copies.
   * This is because the php serialize handler can not handle references,
   * unless all involved objects, variables ... are within an array(),
   * that will be serialized.
   * This should be selfexplaining (just take a look at the length ...):
   * echo serialize($serMe['parent']);
   * echo serialize($serMe);
   * results in:
   *                   O:4:"node":5:{s:5:"value";s:6:"parent";s:5:"child";O:4:"node":5:{s:5:"value";s:5:"child";s:5:"child";N;s:6:"parent";O:4:"node":5:{s:5:"value";s:6:"parent";s:5:"child";R:3;s:6:"parent";N;s:4:"load";s:4:"....";s:11:"__destroyed";b:0;}s:4:"load";s:4:"....";s:11:"__destroyed";b:0;}s:6:"parent";N;s:4:"load";s:4:"....";s:11:"__destroyed";b:0;}
   * a:2:{s:6:"parent";O:4:"node":5:{s:5:"value";s:6:"parent";s:5:"child";O:4:"node":5:{s:5:"value";s:5:"child";s:5:"child";N;s:6:"parent";R:2;s:4:"load";s:4:"....";s:11:"__destroyed";b:0;}s:6:"parent";N;s:4:"load";s:4:"....";s:11:"__destroyed";b:0;}s:5:"child";R:4;}
   * 2.Problem:
   * The loop below will result in extensive leaking (use the big $loadsize ...),
   * unless you help yourself and unset all the properties manually
   * see Node::__destroy()
  $serMe = unserialize($str);
  $serMe['parent']->value = 'new parent';
  echo '-->'.$serMe['parent']->child->parent->value.chr(10);
  echo '-->'.$serMe['parent']->value.chr(10);

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Last updated: Fri Jan 03 00:01:29 2025 UTC