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Bug #26683 Problem still with php. Files have not been renamed.
Submitted: 2003-12-20 18:28 UTC Modified: 2004-01-02 20:31 UTC
Avg. Score:5.0 ± 0.0
Reproduced:1 of 1 (100.0%)
Same Version:1 (100.0%)
Same OS:1 (100.0%)
From: pawnup at yahoo dot com Assigned:
Status: Not a bug Package: *Web Server problem
PHP Version: 5.0.0b3 (beta3) OS: WinXP Home
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2003-12-20 18:28 UTC] pawnup at yahoo dot com
I was previously using php4.3.1 with apache 2.0.45 http server. I upgraded Apache to 2.0.48 today and also upgraded PHP to 5.0.beta2. 

I found that the apache service was unable to start. The system event log showed error on line 177 of the httpd.conf file of apache. Actually, that line is

LoadModule php4_module c:/php/sapi/php4apache2.dll

The problem seems to be in the php4apache2.dll file that came with php5.0beta2.

Workaround: If I replace this dll with the older version that came with php4.3.1 it works fine !. Although, this was a simple shortcut, this error needs to be investigated further.


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 [2003-12-23 14:19 UTC] grzesiek at atlas dot cz

LoadModule php5_module c:/php/sapi/php4apache2.dll
 [2003-12-31 04:41 UTC] scottfurry at telusplanet dot net
I confirm this bug...
Previous:PHP4.3.4 UpgradePHP5.0beta3
Apache 2.0.48

Had modified PHP.ini to show both "LoadModule php4_..." and "LoadModule php5_..." with the 5beta3 version of php4apache2.dll--> No Joy :(

As per "pawnup" 's observation (many thanks and kudos) I copied the previous php4apache2.dll and modified the php.ini to show the file's revision (i.e. "LoadModule php4_..."

Also copied all dll's in php folder to %\systemroot\%

And is phpinfo() not to reflect that its php5 installed?

 [2004-01-02 10:30 UTC]
Sorry, but your problem does not imply a bug in PHP itself.  For a
list of more appropriate places to ask for help using PHP, please
visit as this bug system is not the
appropriate forum for asking support questions. 

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

Just wrong installation. (works fine for me)

 [2004-01-02 13:17 UTC] pawnup at yahoo dot com
I disagree with Scottfurry's observation.

I have used the .zip package of Php 5.0 (b3). In its  subdirectories I could not find the php5 module. I guess the files are yet to be renamed in the Windows version of php.
 [2004-01-02 20:31 UTC]
Please do not submit the same bug more than once. An existing
bug report already describes this very problem. Even if you feel
that your issue is somewhat different, the resolution is likely
to be the same. 

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

No, not all the names haven't been changed yet.
There's another report about that. Please leave this closed.

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Last updated: Sat Dec 21 12:01:31 2024 UTC