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Bug #25374 PEAR fails to install phpUnit when proxy port not specified
Submitted: 2003-09-03 01:16 UTC Modified: 2004-03-15 08:36 UTC
From: cjbj at hotmail dot com Assigned:
Status: No Feedback Package: PEAR related
PHP Version: 5CVS-2003-09-03 (dev) OS: Windows 2000
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2003-09-03 01:16 UTC] cjbj at hotmail dot com
To confirm that was fixed in PHP5:

- I unzipped and moved it to c:\Program

- Renamed PEAR to PEAR_old

- Downloaded 
  (This is php5-200309030530)

- Copied the whole PEAR directory to c:\Program Files\php-4.3.3-Win32 

- Started a DOS window

- Changed directory to c:\Program Files\php-4.3.3-Win32 

- Ran "go-pear".  

For the proxy I entered http://myproxy.domain/

I chose the default layout, and chose to install the DB, phpUnit etc

Expected result:
Pear installs.

Actual result:
The install of phpUnit failed like:

    Loading zlib: ok
    Using local package: PEAR.............ok
    Using local package: Archive_Tar......ok
    Using local package: Console_Getopt....ok
    Using local package: XML_RPC..........ok
    Bootstrapping: PEAR...................(local) ok
    Bootstrapping: Archive_Tar............(local) ok
    Bootstrapping: Console_Getopt.........(local) ok
    Using local package: DB...............ok
    Using local package: Net_Socket.......ok
    Using local package: Net_SMTP.........ok
    Using local package: Mail.............ok
    Using local package: XML_Parser.......ok
    Downloading package: of failed: The operation completed successfull
    Press any key to continue . . .

Pressing a key returned me to the OS.

When I reran "go-pear" and specified the proxy as


the install completed successfully (I was asked about modifying
php.ini, given URLS, the registry info etc) and the PEAR disk layout
seemed as expected.

I could reproduce the problem and verify the workaround each time I
subsequently ran "go-pear" to test this bug.

If a port is mandatory, then an explicit test and message
should report its absence.


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 [2004-03-07 11:26 UTC]
The default port is 8080, so that's most likely the reason for your problem.
 [2004-03-08 11:00 UTC]
Having a look at an (almost recent) version go-pear.php, in detail: $Id: go-pear,v 1.57 2004/02/15 00:49:10 pajoye Exp $ 
I saw this:

        $tmp_proxy = parse_url($proxy);
        $phost     = $tmp_proxy['host'];
        $pport     = $tmp_proxy['port'];
        $fp = fsockopen($phost, $pport, $errno, $errstr); 

This implies that *no* standard-port is used in the source. So maybe the bug is still valid?

!Note! Do we decide for a standard of 8080? If yes, then please also note that the diff of program2002 (available at has an implicit usage of port 80 for the proxy, which should then also be fixed. That diff is related to this bug:
 [2004-03-15 08:36 UTC]
No feedback was provided. The bug is being suspended because
we assume that you are no longer experiencing the problem.
If this is not the case and you are able to provide the
information that was requested earlier, please do so and
change the status of the bug back to "Open". Thank you.

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Last updated: Sun Jan 26 03:01:29 2025 UTC