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Bug #23707 $HTTP_POST_VARS
Submitted: 2003-05-19 19:32 UTC Modified: 2003-05-19 19:44 UTC
From: da_bomb at hisplace dot net Assigned:
Status: Not a bug Package: HTTP related
PHP Version: 5CVS-2003-05-19 (dev) OS: Windows XP Pro
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2003-05-19 19:32 UTC] da_bomb at hisplace dot net
Here is an example script that will show the bug in action after a form submit
foreach ( $HTTP_POST_VARS as $key => $val ) {
   echo "<b>{$key}:</b> {$val}<br />\n";
I'm using the pre-built version of PHP5 from and I don't believe I have anything unique or specific about my setup.

It's not really a bug but $HTTP_POST_VARS isn't there in PHP5. I know $_POST is the preferable method but phpBB for example uses $HTTP_POST_VARS for backwards compatability. It's pretty easy to write some code to workaround the problem but most people couldn't do it and I'm just wondering if this variable will be included in PHP5 or is it being phased out?

Thanks :)


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 [2003-05-19 19:44 UTC]
That's what you get for using development version of PHP. :)
You're propably using php.ini-recommended which has this option:
  register_long_arrays = Off

Just turn that 'On' and the long array names are enabled again.

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