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Bug #22325 librairies not found while run configure.
Submitted: 2003-02-20 05:01 UTC Modified: 2003-03-09 18:57 UTC
Avg. Score:5.0 ± 0.0
Reproduced:1 of 1 (100.0%)
Same Version:1 (100.0%)
Same OS:1 (100.0%)
From: jules dot thavarajah at gazdefrance dot com Assigned:
Status: No Feedback Package: LDAP related
PHP Version: 4.3.2-dev OS: AIX4.3.3
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2003-02-20 05:01 UTC] jules dot thavarajah at gazdefrance dot com

I am trying to compile php4.0.6 on aix4.3.3 OS with LDAP librairies. But when i run configure i get error messages in debug.log file.

(I also tried to install the version php4.3.0, but i get the same error!)

Is php4.x.x compatible with AIX4.3???
My advance thanks for your help.
With best regards



I set the location of these librairies with LIBPATH on my machine (as it is specified in README file with the php-4.0.6.tar file).

echo $LIBPATH :

Here is the commande line used to run configure :
(as describe at the following location :

CPPFLAGS=-I/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/ldapcsdk414-AIX4[1].3_OPT/include \
LDFLAGS=-L/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/ldapcsdk414-AIX4[1].3_OPT/lib \
./configure --prefix=$prefix/php-4.0.6 \
--with-oci8=$libdir/lib_ora_8.1.7 --without-mysql --enable-calendar \
--with-ldap=$libdir/ldapcsdk414-AIX4[1].3_OPT --with-pdflib=no \
--with-config-file-path=$prefix/php-4.0.6 \

I tried also without CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS variables :

./configure --prefix=$prefix/php-4.0.6 \
--with-oci8=$libdir/lib_ora_8.1.7 --without-mysql --enable-calendar \
--with-ldap=$libdir/ldapcsdk414-AIX4[1].3_OPT --with-pdflib=no \
--with-config-file-path=$prefix/php-4.0.6 \

I get the following error messages !

CONFIGURE:   './configure' '--prefix=/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/php-4.0.6' '--with-oci8=/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/lib_ora_8.1.7' '--without-mysql' '--enable-calendar' '--with-ldap=/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/ldapcsdk414-AIX4[1].3_OPT' '--with-pdflib=no' '--with-config-file-path=/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/php-4.0.6' '--with-apxs=/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/bin/apxs'
CC:         gcc
CFLAGS:     -g -O2
INCLUDES:    -I/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/include  -I$(top_builddir)/Zend -I/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/ldapcsdk414-AIX4[1].3_OPT/include -I/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/lib_ora_8.1.7/rdbms/public
LDFLAGS:    -L/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/ldapcsdk414-AIX4[1].3_OPT/lib -L/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/ldapcsdk414-AIX4[1].3_OPT/lib -L/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/ldapcsdk414-AIX4[1].3_OPT/lib -L/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/lib_ora_8.1.7/lib -L/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/lib_ora_8.1.7/lib
LIBS:       -lldapssl41 -lplds3 -lplc3 -lnspr3 -lcrypt -lbind -lm -ldl -lclntsh
SAPI:       apache
PHP_RPATHS:  /logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/ldapcsdk414-AIX4[1].3_OPT/lib /logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/lib_ora_8.1.7/lib
uname -a:   AIX pcya000x 3 4 0004C0094C00

gcc -o conftest -g -O2 -I/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/ldapcsdk414-AIX4[1].3_OPT/include -DAIX=43 -DUSE_PTHREAD_SERIALIZED_ACCEPT -DAIX_BIND_PROCESSOR -DMOD_SSL=208103 -DUSE_HSREGEX -DEAPI -DUSE_EXPAT -DHARD_SERVER_LIMIT=1000 -DSUPPORT_UTF8 -L/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/ldapcsdk414-AIX4[1].3_OPT/lib -L/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/ldapcsdk414-AIX4[1].3_OPT/lib -L/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/ldapcsdk414-AIX4[1].3_OPT/lib -L/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/lib_ora_8.1.7/lib -L/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/lib_ora_8.1.7/lib conftest.c -lldapssl41 -lplds3 -lplc3 -lnspr3 -lcrypt -lbind -lm -ldl -L/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/ldapcsdk414-AIX4[1].3_OPT/lib -lclntsh 1>&5
ld: 0706-006 Cannot find or open library file: -l ldapssl41
	ld:open(): No such file or directory
ld: 0706-006 Cannot find or open library file: -l plds3
	ld:open(): No such file or directory
ld: 0706-006 Cannot find or open library file: -l plc3
	ld:open(): No such file or directory
ld: 0706-006 Cannot find or open library file: -l nspr3
	ld:open(): No such file or directory
collect2: ld returned 255 exit status


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 [2003-02-20 08:27 UTC] jules dot thavarajah at gazdefrance dot com
At first thanks for your reply.

But, i can't use the latest version which is not referenced where i work.

Actually, I want to install the version 4.0.6 of PHP. As it did not work, i tried to install the version 4.3.0 to see how it behaves on AIX. But i had the same errors.

That's why i wonder if you have a patch for the release 4.0.6 of PHP to compile LDAP correctly?

Best Regards
 [2003-02-20 08:31 UTC]
Running ./configure and 'make' does not mean that
you have to do 'make install' please try the snapshot
to see if it makes any difference. Many bugs have been
fixed since 4.3.0/4.3.1 releases in the snapshot..

 [2003-02-20 09:02 UTC] jules dot thavarajah at gazdefrance dot com
Here are the messages in the debug.log after running configure. It is not much better.

Any idea?

Best regards


./configure --prefix=$prefix/php4-STABLE-200302201230 \
--with-oci8=$libdir/lib_ora_8.1.7 --without-mysql --enable-calendar \
--with-ldap=$libdir/ldapcsdk414-AIX4[1].3_OPT --with-pdflib=no \
--with-config-file-path=$prefix/php4-STABLE-200302201230 \

************************ debug.log

CONFIGURE:   './configure' '--prefix=/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/php4-STABLE-200302201230' '--with-oci8=/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/lib_ora_8.1.7' '--without-mysql' '--enable-calendar' '--with-ldap=/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/ldapcsdk414-AIX4[1].3_OPT' '--with-pdflib=no' '--with-config-file-path=/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/php4-STABLE-200302201230' '--with-apxs=/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/bin/apxs'
CC:         gcc
CFLAGS:     -g -O2
INCLUDES:    -I$(top_builddir)/Zend -I/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/ldapcsdk414-AIX4[1].3_OPT/include -I/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/lib_ora_8.1.7/rdbms/public
LDFLAGS:     -L/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/ldapcsdk414-AIX4[1].3_OPT/lib -L/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/ldapcsdk414-AIX4[1].3_OPT/lib -L/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/lib_ora_8.1.7/lib -L/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/lib_ora_8.1.7/lib
LIBS:       -lldapssl41 -lplds3 -lplc3 -lnspr3 -lm  -lclntsh -locijdbc8
SAPI:       apache
PHP_RPATHS:  /logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/ldapcsdk414-AIX4[1].3_OPT/lib /logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/lib_ora_8.1.7/lib
uname -a:   AIX pcya000x 3 4 0004C0094C00

gcc -o conftest -g -O2  -DAIX=43 -DUSE_PTHREAD_SERIALIZED_ACCEPT -DAIX_BIND_PROCESSOR -DMOD_SSL=208103 -DUSE_HSREGEX -DEAPI -DUSE_EXPAT -DHARD_SERVER_LIMIT=1000  -L/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/ldapcsdk414-AIX4[1].3_OPT/lib -L/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/ldapcsdk414-AIX4[1].3_OPT/lib -L/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/lib_ora_8.1.7/lib -L/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/lib_ora_8.1.7/lib conftest.c -lldapssl41 -lplds3 -lplc3 -lnspr3 -lm  -lclntsh -locijdbc8 1>&5
ld: 0706-006 Cannot find or open library file: -l ldapssl41
	ld:open(): No such file or directory
ld: 0706-006 Cannot find or open library file: -l plds3
	ld:open(): No such file or directory
ld: 0706-006 Cannot find or open library file: -l plc3
	ld:open(): No such file or directory
ld: 0706-006 Cannot find or open library file: -l nspr3
	ld:open(): No such file or directory
ld: 0706-006 Cannot find or open library file: -l ocijdbc8
	ld:open(): No such file or directory
collect2: ld returned 255 exit status
 [2003-02-24 07:58 UTC]
I assume those nsldap libs are here:

Is that path in your LIBPATH?

 [2003-02-24 08:31 UTC] jules dot thavarajah at gazdefrance dot com
The installation is done under "root".

Here is the value of LIBPATH :

export LIBPATH=/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/lib/apache:/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/lib_ora_8.1.7/lib:/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/ldapcsdk414-AIX4[1].3_OPT/lib

The libs are at the following location :

total 112
-rwxr-x---   1 arianet  staff       6321 Apr 12 2001  README
drwxr-x---   2 arianet  staff        512 Apr 12 2001  docs
drwxr-x---   3 arianet  staff        512 Apr 12 2001  examples
drwxr-x---   2 arianet  staff        512 Apr 12 2001  include
drwxr-x---   2 arianet  staff        512 Apr 12 2001  lib
-rwxr-x---   1 arianet  staff       9224 Apr 12 2001  license.txt
-rwxr-x---   1 arianet  staff       1421 Apr 12 2001  redist.txt
-rwxr-x---   1 arianet  staff      11724 Apr 12 2001  relnotes.htm
drwxr-x---   2 arianet  staff        512 Apr 12 2001  tools
[pcya000x]/logiciels/apache/apa_1.3.19/lib/ldapcsdk414-AIX4[1].3_OPT#cd lib
total 3536
-rwxr-x---   1 arianet  staff    1395538 Apr 12 2001
-rwxr-x---   1 arianet  staff     348259 Apr 12 2001
-rwxr-x---   1 arianet  staff      27198 Apr 12 2001
-rwxr-x---   1 arianet  staff      32477 Apr 12 2001
 [2003-02-24 09:57 UTC] jules dot thavarajah at gazdefrance dot com
By the way it still not work at the configure step.

Have you already install any version of php with ldap libs on AIX ?
Best Regards
 [2003-02-26 01:14 UTC]
Please try using this CVS snapshot:
For Windows:

I made some AIX + --with-apxs related fixes, please
try it out.

 [2003-03-09 18:57 UTC]
No feedback was provided. The bug is being suspended because
we assume that you are no longer experiencing the problem.
If this is not the case and you are able to provide the
information that was requested earlier, please do so and
change the status of the bug back to "Open". Thank you.

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All rights reserved.
Last updated: Tue Feb 18 17:01:29 2025 UTC