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Bug #20797 4k text limitation can be adjusted by INI_SET
Submitted: 2002-12-03 13:05 UTC Modified: 2003-01-02 18:41 UTC
Avg. Score:5.0 ± 0.0
Reproduced:1 of 1 (100.0%)
Same Version:0 (0.0%)
Same OS:0 (0.0%)
From: carl dot landry at emergis dot com Assigned:
Status: No Feedback Package: MSSQL related
PHP Version: 4.2.2 OS: Windows NT 4.0 build 1381
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2002-12-03 13:05 UTC] carl dot landry at emergis dot com
To adjust the 4k limitation of TEXT fields, I changed the TEXTSIZE and TEXTLIMIT value of MSSQL (SET TEXTSIZE xxx) to a very high value to prevent interference. This works properly.

Adjusting the "mssql.textlimit" and "mssql.textsize" values in php.ini would allow larger than 4k results to be returned. This seems also fine.

However, changing this limit at run time ("ini_set("mssql.textlimit", 12000); ini_set("mssql.textsize", 12000);", 12000 (int) or "12000" string, not making a difference) would have no impact on the selected result.
PHPINFO() shows the new adjusted value but the result would still be limited to the value set in the PHP.INI file.

Also, "-1" (as suggested in the INI_SET function description page) seems to limit to 4k too.

MSSQL Library version: 7.0

More information can be supplied if requested.


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 [2002-12-07 01:20 UTC]
Please try using this CVS snapshot:
For Windows:

 [2003-01-02 18:41 UTC]
No feedback was provided. The bug is being suspended because
we assume that you are no longer experiencing the problem.
If this is not the case and you are able to provide the
information that was requested earlier, please do so and
change the status of the bug back to "Open". Thank you.

 [2007-01-17 16:21 UTC] olivier dot sow at alias dot fr
the probleme seems to be global to ISAPI modul
when i try to set mssql.textsize & mssql.textlimit in php.ini, these values take effect while using php.exe but no when using php.dll (ISAPI modul)
phpinfo return "Server default" as local and master values
using php4.4.4 on Win2KSrv SP4
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