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Bug #19279 DB3 Files not created
Submitted: 2002-09-07 09:06 UTC Modified: 2002-09-07 09:23 UTC
From: sky4lace at hotmail dot com Assigned:
Status: Not a bug Package: DBM/DBA related
PHP Version: 4.2.2 OS: Windows 2000 5.0
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2002-09-07 09:06 UTC] sky4lace at hotmail dot com
Windows 2000 5.0
Apache 1.2.3

I run the following script expecting the DBM file: test.db to be created in the current directory with rows:

"Key" "This is an example!\\n"
"Joe" My name is Joe!"
"lunga" "My name is Bloggs!"

but no file is created although the file is created in teh memory buffer as the records can be read and displayed from the buffer.

The PHP script is as follows:

  $id = dba_popen("test.db", "n", "db3");

    echo "dba_popen failed\n";

  dba_insert("key", "This is an example!\\n", $id);
  echo "dba_popen succeeded\n";
  dba_insert("adrian", "My name is Joe!", $id);
  dba_insert("lunga", "My name is Bloggs!", $id);

  if(dba_exists("key", $id))
    echo "Record found\n";
    echo dba_fetch("key", $id);
    echo dba_fetch("Joe", $id);
    echo dba_fetch("Bloggs", $id);
#    dba_delete("key", $id);


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 [2002-09-07 09:23 UTC]
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