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Bug #1771 fopen() and file() problems when time out occurs
Submitted: 1999-07-20 17:10 UTC Modified: 2000-03-03 15:17 UTC
From: sneaky at sneakydave dot com Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: Other
PHP Version: 3.0.11 OS: Apache
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [1999-07-20 17:10 UTC] sneaky at sneakydave dot com
Trying to do a file() or fopen() on a URL, and on 3.0.9 PHP, it works, it DOESN'T work on 3.0.11.
It seems to be a problem when the function times out, the HTTP header isn't sent yet, but PHP still tries to send an error, resulting in a Document contains no data error.

Read the problem I posted on for the script example, and two places where it is installed. Once site has 3.0.9 installed, the other has 3.0.11. Here is the link

I knew there were problems with 3.0.9 fopen and include with URL's, but this seems to be a recurring problem with 3.0.11.

Thanks for your time

David Dotson


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 [1999-07-21 04:25 UTC] sas at cvs dot php dot net
Please try the current CVS of php3

 [2000-03-03 14:55 UTC] sas at cvs dot php dot net
Does this still happen?
 [2000-03-03 15:17 UTC] sneaky at sneakydave dot com
According to the php change log at version 3.0.12 may have resolved these issues. Since upgrading, I haven't noticed the problem, but time out errors are also not occuring as frequently.
Particularly, I assume one of these fixes resolved the problem:
-fix crash on invalid URLs in fopen wrappers (Sascha) 
-support for accessing the raw POST data when its content-type isn't already
                          understood by PHP (Jim)
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