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Bug #17634 Creating new Session IDs
Submitted: 2002-06-06 18:32 UTC Modified: 2002-09-11 11:15 UTC
Avg. Score:5.0 ± 0.0
Reproduced:3 of 3 (100.0%)
Same Version:0 (0.0%)
Same OS:1 (33.3%)
From: tlewis at communitysoft dot net Assigned:
Status: No Feedback Package: Session related
PHP Version: 4.2.1 OS: Windows NT
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2002-06-06 18:32 UTC] tlewis at communitysoft dot net
New sessions are created instead of using current session.  Everytime a session_start() is encountered, PHP creates a new session ID thus losing the value(s) from the preferred session.  To reproduce: call the session_start() function, register a variable with session_register('foo'), try and access the variable on a succession page using session_start(), go into where ever directory you are storing your session files.  There will be multiple files listed.  One having data, the other(s) being empty.


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 [2002-06-06 18:41 UTC]
Sorry, but the bug system is not the appropriate forum for asking
support questions. Your problem does not imply a bug in PHP itself.
For a list of more appropriate places to ask for help using PHP,
please visit

Thank you for your interest in PHP.
 [2002-06-11 21:42 UTC] thiago at softexpert dot com
Sorry, but he didnt asked anything. This is actually happening to me too. PHP is creating more than one ID on session_start(). It happens when i have an old expired session cookie. If i clear the cookies it works fine. But its still a bug because i cant clear every expired cookie.
 [2002-08-05 15:00 UTC] zen_kermit at expn dot com
You PHP developers cant really be that think headed can you??? I've loevd this language for a long time, but this kind of blatant failure is huge!! and to refuse to acknowledge it is taking you more step towards developing ASP. Come on and restore our faith.
 [2002-08-07 08:28 UTC]
I've seen this, but I don't remember exact configuration/code that reproduce this. (It's long time ago)

Are you using session auto start, call session_start() multiple times, or call session_destory()?

Use php.ini-recommended and try to reproduce this. 
Let us know the shortest code that reproduce and what you've changed the php.ini.

 [2002-09-11 11:15 UTC]
No feedback was provided. The bug is being suspended because
we assume that you are no longer experiencing the problem.
If this is not the case and you are able to provide the
information that was requested earlier, please do so and
change the status of the bug back to "Open". Thank you.

 [2003-01-09 01:01 UTC] ray at ray dot co dot za
I have experienced exactly the same problem. To reproduce this error:
// file1 code
$sess1 = "the first session is registered";
// file2 code 
echo "Session1 var: $sess1 ";

if file2 is called by file1 via a java non html menu then file2 creates a new session without the variables. Thuis one cannot make use of the session variables.
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