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Bug #16781 imap support doesn'r work fine
Submitted: 2002-04-23 21:21 UTC Modified: 2002-06-16 00:14 UTC
From: newton at islu dot irk dot ru Assigned:
Status: Not a bug Package: IMAP related
PHP Version: 4.2.0 OS: Linux RedHat 7.2
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2002-04-23 21:21 UTC] newton at islu dot irk dot ru
I have ever just compiled 4.2.0, but it is still not working! I have RH7.2(2.4.7), PHP 4.2.0 Compiled as CGI module, c-client 4.1 with kerberos 5 support. imap_open() works fine, when i am specifing incorrect password it fails so there is no problem with that. But stream returned by imap_open() for POP3 mailbox is always pointing to an empty mailbox even if there are more than 100 messages! I have tried this under different mailservers (e.g. POP3 server on localserver and remote) and results always were same.


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 [2002-04-24 22:01 UTC]
Please add a short example script which can be used to reproduce this.

 [2002-04-24 22:08 UTC] newton at islu dot irk dot ru
No problem, something like that:
  Header("Content-type: text/plain");
  $inbox=imap_open("{localhost/pop3:110}", "username", "password");
  $total = imap_num_msg($inbox);
  echo "Total: $total messages";
 [2002-04-24 22:16 UTC]
What if you use this imap_open() line:

$inbox = imap_open ("{localhost:110/pop3}INBOX", "user_id", 

Does it work any better? Also, I'd suggest you update
your c-client to imap-2001a.


 [2002-04-24 22:19 UTC] newton at islu dot irk dot ru
Bad news: your varinat is working like the rest all, and i have imap-2001a ;((
 [2002-04-24 22:33 UTC]
Reread your original comment..there is no problem in connection but with the imap_num_msg() function, right?

Try adding this there:

$arr = imap_check($inbox);

What does it output?


 [2002-04-24 23:14 UTC] newton at islu dot irk dot ru
object(stdClass)(5) {
  string(37) "Wed, 24 Apr 2002 23:15:37 -0400 (EDT)"
  string(4) "pop3"
  string(53) "{localhost.localdomain:110/pop3/user="lyubvine"}INBOX"
 [2002-04-24 23:16 UTC] newton at islu dot irk dot ru
PHP or c-client is marking all messages as recent even if they are absolutely new. imap_headers is returning an empty array so how can I access headers of messages?
 [2002-06-16 00:14 UTC]
PHP just shows the information it gets with the c-client
functions. So please report this to the c-client author.

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