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Bug #16323 php_OLECHAR_to_char() error in IIS
Submitted: 2002-03-27 19:40 UTC Modified: 2002-04-06 19:15 UTC
Avg. Score:4.0 ± 0.0
Reproduced:1 of 1 (100.0%)
Same Version:1 (100.0%)
Same OS:1 (100.0%)
From: preston dot bannister at cox dot net Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: COM related
PHP Version: 4.1.2 OS: Windows 2000 Professional
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2002-03-27 19:40 UTC] preston dot bannister at cox dot net
The following example PHP script works fine when run from the command line, but fails when run via IIS.

$wsh = @new COM('WScript.Shell') or die("Cannot create instance of Windows Scripting Host!");
$key = 'HKLM\foo';
$v = $wsh->RegRead($key);
echo "<br> Got $key = $v\n";
$v = $v + 1;
echo "<br> Set $key to $v\n";

The error returned references the line containing RegWrite.
Got HKLM\foo = 2 
Warning: Error in php_OLECHAR_to_char() in c:\asg\webmanager\test\x4.php on line 7

Warning: Error in php_OLECHAR_to_char() in c:\asg\webmanager\test\x4.php on line 7

Warning: Invoke() failed: Exception occurred. Source: Description: in c:\asg\webmanager\test\x4.php on line 7

Set HKLM\foo to 3 


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 [2002-03-29 04:52 UTC] Vladimir dot Michl at hlubocky dot del dot cz
I found the same problem with php 4.1.1, if OLE Automation object return empty string.

After some testing a have this result:

OLE Automation server return Variant with type 0x08 - OLE Str. To php_OLECHAR_to_char() (in conversion.c)
as unicode_str arrive probably NULL, because WideCharToMultiByte return 0 and
in my simulations WideCharToMultiByte return 0 if unicode_str is NULL.

I thing that, if unicode_str is NULL, php_OLECHAR_to_char()
must convert it to empty string, without any warning.
 [2002-04-06 19:15 UTC]
this should be fixed in the upcomming 4.2.0 version. try one of the release candidates.
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