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Bug #1548 Call to unsupported or undefined function ora_login()
Submitted: 1999-06-16 11:07 UTC Modified: 1999-06-20 20:08 UTC
From: bmoore at ipt-inc dot com Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: Oracle related
PHP Version: 3.0.9 OS: Hp-UX 10.20, RH Linux 5.1
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [1999-06-16 11:07 UTC] bmoore at ipt-inc dot com
I'm trying to use PHP3 (CGI) to connect to an Oracle database.  I've compiled version 3.0.9 on a RH Linux (5.1) box (gcc), and an HP-UX 10.20 box (HP AN$I C compiler), both of which have Oracle 8.0.5 installed on them.  The configure and make go flawlessly (using --with-oracle on the configure with environment var $ORACLE_HOME set to my oracle home directory) and I get a php binary which executes the included "date.php3" and "dir.php3" example scripts correctly.  The problem is that when I create a script that tries to connect to oracle, I get the following error:

**************************ERROR TEXT**********************************
Call to unsupported or undefined function ora_login() in <b>../oratest.php3</b> on line <b>6</b><br>
**************************ERROR TEXT**********************************

The script I'm using follows. (I'm using the default php3.ini file)

**************************SCRIPT TEXT**********************************
//  PHP3 Oracle test

$dbConn = ora_login("testuser/","");

$ora1 = ora_open($dbConn);

result = ora_parse($ora1, 'select * from test_table', 0);

result = ora_exec($ora1);

result = ora_fetch($ora1);

$ncols = ora_numcols($ora1);
$nrows = ora_numcols($ora1);

printf("Result size is $ncols cols by $nrows rows.<br>");

for ($i=0; $i<$ncols; $i++) {

 printf("col[%s] = %s type[%d] = %s<br>",
        $i, ora_columnname($ora1, $i),
        $i, ora_columntype($ora1, $i));

for ($j=0; $j<$nrows; $j++)
  for ($i=0; $i<$ncols; $i++)
      $col = ora_getcolumn($ora1, $i);
      printf(&quotval[%d, %d] = %s * ", $j, $i, ora_getcolumn($ora1, $i);



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 [1999-06-20 20:08 UTC] jim at cvs dot php dot net
There is no ora_login function. You probably
mean ora_logon.
 [1999-06-20 20:08 UTC] jim at cvs dot php dot net
Whoops, forgot to close the bug.
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